Centre for Teaching and Learning


Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) works with members of the campus community to enhance the practice, culture, and scholarship of teaching and learning; to support the integration of effective teaching practices and technologies that extend and enrich learning; and to support to instructors using the University's Learning Management System, Brightspace.

The CTL is located on the second floor of Lambton Tower. Your direct contact is Dr. Erika Kustra, Director, Teaching and Learning Development.

For significantly more information about the CTL's mission, vision, services, and events, please consult the CTL website.


Note: This site is a living document, the goal of which is to improve, in some small way, the working lives of University of Windsor faculty. We are eager to collaborate with the campus community to better this service over time. If you can identify any knowledge gaps, missing resources, or outdated or erroneous information on this site, please contact avpa@uwindsor.ca without hesitation.