Student Code of Conduct

Policy on Student Code of Conduct

(Approved by Senate: May 11, 2005)
(Amended by Senate (sections 1,2,3A): March 13, 2015, March 11, 2022, November 11, 2022)
(Approved by Board (sections 1,2,3B): October 18, 2016, October 18, 2022)


1. Principles

The University of Windsor is a community of scholars committed to the motto of: Goodness, Discipline, and Knowledge. As in any community, integrity is the foundation upon which all else is built. Fundamentally, a university is a place where those eager to learn gather to advance knowledge in an open, accepting and friendly manner with a goal to making important contributions to society.

  • It is a place where freedom of expression is protected vigorously and uncompromisingly and where civility of expression in word and deed is the code of conduct.
  • It is a place where all people are treated fairly without concern to religion, race, colour, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability or age.

As such, students are expected to commit to a code of behaviour that stresses respect for the dignity and individuality of all persons, and the rights and property of others. They are expected to practice personal and academic integrity, to take responsibility for their own personal and academic commitments, and to contribute to the University community to gain fair, cooperative and honest inquiry and learning. They are also expected to respect and strive to learn from differences in people, ideas, and opinions, and refrain from and discourage behaviours which threaten the freedom and respect that every individual deserves.
All students, student groups, and organizations have the responsibility to maintain a high standard of conduct based on these principles. It is important to understand that transgressing the code of behaviour or assisting others in a transgression are equally wrong. Students are expected to be individually responsible for their actions whether acting individually or in a group. All students should know that the Senate Bylaw on Academic Integrity (Bylaw 31) addresses this issue as it relates to academic misconduct and all students should be familiar with the content of this Bylaw. Further, students should know that non-academic misconduct is addressed under the purview of the Board.


2. Application and Scope

This code applies to all students and student groups, including any person who is admitted to, or enrolled at, the University of Windsor in any capacity, full-time or part-time, pursuing credit or non-credit studies. This code applies regardless of whether the individual is currently registered in courses or is currently a candidate for a degree, diploma or certificate, including between semesters.
This code applies to:
(a) conduct that occurs on the premises of the University or its federated and affiliated institutions; and
(b) conduct that occurs off-campus and/or a virtual setting, when
i. the student is conducting University activities and/or the student is representing, or presenting themself as a representative of, the University or a student group/organization; and/or,
ii. the student’s actions or behaviour have, or might reasonably be seen to have, a negative impact on the University or on the rights of a member of the University community to use and enjoy the University’s learning and working environments; and/or,
iii. the student’s action gives them an unearned advantage in matters affecting their academic standing.

3. Statement of Academic and non-Academic Rights and Responsibilities

A) Academic Rights and Responsibilities. All students of the University of Windsor have the right to have their work judged accurately and fairly and have the responsibility to behave in a manner that ensures this. Examples of behaviours that violate this code include, but are not limited to:
i. Plagiarism: the act of copying, reproducing or paraphrasing significant portions of one’s own work, or someone else's published or unpublished material (from any source, including the internet), without proper acknowledgment, representing these as new or as one's own. Plagiarism applies to all intellectual endeavours: creation and presentation of music, drawings, designs, dance, photography and other artistic and technical works. (Students have the responsibility to learn and use the conventions of documentation as accepted in their area of study and instructors have the responsibility of informing students in writing of any significant individual interpretations of plagiarism.)
ii. Falsifying/altering, withholding or concocting medical records, compassionate documents, correspondence, academic documents, research results, references, sources. Forging or using University documents, records or instruments of identification with intent to defraud.
iii. Submitting false, fraudulent or purchased assignments, research or credentials. Taking or releasing, without permission, the ideas or data of others that were shared with the expectation that they were confidential.
iv. Impersonating another or permitting someone to impersonate you, either in person or electronically, for academic assessment or in order to improperly gain access to services.
v. Improperly obtaining, through theft, bribery, collusion or other means, access to confidential, copyrighted, or privileged information, examination papers, or set of questions, or improperly distributing restricted materials and intellectual property (whether properly or improperly obtained) through any means including online resources, social media websites, etc.
vi. Submitting the same work, research or assignment, or portions of the same course work, research or assignment, for credit on more than one occasion without the prior written permission of the instructor(s) in the course(s) involved.
vii. Taking part in unauthorized collaboration with another student, which may include working in a group, and submitting the same course work as one or more students in the course, unless expressly permitted by the instructor.
viii. Copying or using unauthorized aids, (e.g, cheat notes, unauthorized calculators, unauthorized online resources, etc.),or, without permission, working or receiving assistance from another, for any evaluative procedure.
ix. Allowing another student to copy one’s academic work when one knows or has reason to believe the other student will be submitting the work for evaluation.
x. Failing to take reasonable care, in the circumstances known to the student, to prevent one’s material from being inappropriately copied.
xi. Altering, destroying, hiding or otherwise restricting access to academic materials intended for general use.
xii. Interfering with the scholarly activities of another in order to harass or gain unfair academic advantage. This includes falsifying, interfering or tampering with experimental data, with a human or animal subject, with a written or other creation (for example, a painting, sculpture, film), with a chemical used for scientific study or research, or with any other object of study.
xiii. Breach of the Senate Policy on the Conduct of Exams and Tests.

B) Non-Academic Rights and Responsibilities. It is the right of all members of the University community that their person and their property be treated respectfully, free from endangerment or harassment. It is the responsibility of each individual to behave in a manner that ensures this and ensures the protection of societal property. Examples of behaviours that violate this code include, but are not limited to:
i. Unauthorized removal, destruction, or theft of library and other university resources.
ii. Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other University activities, including public service functions, and other authorized activities on University premises.
iii. Malicious abuse of any person on University premises or at University sponsored or University supervised functions or malicious conduct that threatens, endangers or harasses any such person.
iv. Theft from or deliberate damage to University premises or theft of or deliberate damage to property of a member of the University community on University premises.
v. Failure to comply with directions of members of the University administration or of the teaching staff acting in the proper performance of their particular duties.
vi. Physically, verbally or sexually assaulting or harassing another person, or engaging in sexual misconduct, or in any way threatening another person.
vii. Knowingly creating a situation that endangers or threatens the health, safety or well-being of any person or that threatens to damage or destroy property, while on campus or while off-campus and representing, or acting as a representative of, the University or a student group/organization.
viii. Misusing one’s own or another person’s identity, password, identification number, University identification card or any other identification card or assisting another to misuse any identity, password, identification number, University identification card or any other identification card.
ix. Stealing, destroying or damaging property or stored information such as data files or computer programs or the like.
x. Knowingly possessing stolen property or University supplies or documents without authority. (These may include, but are not limited to, equipment, keys, records, files, computer accounts and instruments of identification.)
xi. Participating in unauthorized or fraudulent use of University facilities, equipment or services.
xii Deliberate alteration or misappropriation of computer records, data, software, etc. of the University or a member of the University community.
xiii. Violation of rules governing University Residence halls.
xiv. Misusing library resources, as defined in the “Library Behaviour Code”.
xv. Misusing computer resources, as defined in the “Acceptable Use Policy”.

Other examples of behaviours that violate this code include:
xvi. Breach of this Senate Student Code of Conduct.
xvii. Breach of the rules of conduct as set out by professional bodies and adopted in substance by the relevant professional program as part of its code of conduct in the program.
xvii. Breach of any other Senate or University bylaw, policy, rule or procedure, including regulations relating to entry to, and use of, University facilities.


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