UWinsite Student, the University of Windsor’s new student information platform, is set to launch November 26, advise project organizers. The system will replace the current Student Information System (SIS), including myUWindsor.ca and uwindsor.ca/sis.
UWinsite Student is built on Campus Solutions, an Oracle PeopleSoft product used at post-secondary institutions across North America and beyond. It includes modules for student records, admissions, academic advising, convocation, student financials and financial aid, as well as self-service functionality for students, staff, faculty, and alumni.
“The new platform will be the technological foundation supporting the University’s commitment to an exceptional student experience,” says Alice Miller, university registrar and UWinsite Student stream lead. “We kept students front and centre during design while also ensuring the solution is best-practice driven, scalable, sustainable, and aligns with the University’s future direction.”
Miller says UWinsite Student will move the University closer to paperless by moving processes such as undergraduate grade appeals, the signing of undergraduate students into courses, and the review of applications for re-admission online.
In addition, faculty and staff will be able to see a student’s view of the system, helping make it easier to understand questions and provide relevant responses. New academic advising functionality has also been well-received during early design sessions and walkthroughs with faculties and departments across campus.
“We recognize that with the introduction of a system the size and scope of UWinsite Student, there will be some bumps along the road as we all adjust,” says Miller. “During the transition, there will be a variety of supports in place to assist faculty and staff members as well as students.”
In addition, UWinsite Student training will be delivered for five weeks starting October 22. Further details about training will be shared next week in DailyNews followed shortly by training invitations.
The introduction of UWinsite Student follows the launch of UWinsite Finance in February 2018 and UWinsite Service and UWinsite Engage in August 2018. It marks the third and final milestone in the campus-wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project.
Email any questions or concerns to uwinsite@uwindsor.ca.