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Douglas KnealeUWindsor president Douglas Kneale will present a brief history of the sonnet on November 24 for ElderCollege at Canterbury College.

ElderCollege presentation to explore poetic form

As a literary form transcending language and time, the sonnet continues to be a common creative ground for poets of all ages.

UWindsor president Douglas Kneale will provide an introduction to both tradition and innovation in the sonnet form in the one-session course “Sonnets: a Brief History,” offered through Canterbury College’s ElderCollege program.

Drawing on examples from different periods in English literary history, Dr. Kneale will explore how language, metre, rhyme, and structure all work to produce meaning. A scholar of English Renaissance and Romantic literature, he was dean of humanities at Brock University before coming to the University of Windsor.

The course cost is $10 + HST for ElderCollege members, and $25 + HST for all others. It will run 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 24, in the college’s building at 2500 University Avenue West. Interested parties may register by phoning Laura Macmillan at 519-253-3000, ext. 4944.