kids in swimming poolFind employment with Windsor’s recreation department at job fairs Aug. 9 and 14.

Job fairs to fill municipal recreation positions

The City of Windsor is seeking to fill part-time positions in its Recreation and Culture Department, holding job fairs next week.

Supervisors are hoping to hire:

  • recreation instructors,
  • lifeguards and aquatics instructors, and
  • facility attendants to staff front desks.

The jobs promise flexible hours and fun experiences.

Come to either fair with a printed copy of your resumé; you can apply and be interviewed on the spot.

They are Tuesday, Aug. 9, at the WFCU Centre from 2 to 7 p.m.; and Sunday, Aug. 14, at the Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Unable to show up in person? Schedule a virtual interview time by emailing