Giselle St. Louis, clinical therapist in the Faculty of Engineering and therapy dog Winnie, a standard poodleGiselle St. Louis, clinical therapist in the Faculty of Engineering and therapy dog Winnie will lead a guided mediation session Wednesday, July 26.

Session offers a “paws” for meditation

“When Winnie is present in counselling sessions, I often hear students say: I wish I was her,” clinical therapist Giselle St. Louis says of her partner, a therapy dog. “Winnie lives in and responds to the present moment in ways that it’s harder to do living as a human. Practising meditation formally and informally is a way for us to learn to live more like she does.”

On July 26, St. Louis and Winnie will lead a guided meditation Wellness Wednesday session, a great opportunity to relax, recharge, and restore awareness of your calm in a friendly environment.

There are still spaces available for those interested in joining to take a “paws” from daily stress. The session will be held at 12:15 p.m. in Katzman Lounge, Vanier Hall, and will offer healthy refreshments.

To participate, sign up on the Human Resources registration site.