Vanessa Bruce, Laura Krasean, Amanda RobinsonPrevious winners of a GA/TA award for educational practice: Vanessa Bruce, Laura Krasean and Amanda Robinson.

Nominations open for awards recognizing graduate and teaching assistants

The Centre for Teaching and Learning has issued a call for nominations for this year’s GATA Awards, recognizing the contributions made by graduate and teaching assistants to the University’s learning environment in two categories:

  • GA and TA Awards for Educational Practice
  • GA/TA Award for Educational Leadership

“The awards should be a means of inspiring those who previously thought such excellence was beyond their reach, and those who may not have known that such achievements were a possibility for ‘mere’ graduate and teaching assistants,” says teaching and learning specialist Michael Potter.

GATA Network coordinator Laura Chittle agrees, saying that GAs and TAs can benefit from the experience.

“The nomination process allows for self-reflection and encourages you to think about your teaching in a scholarly way, thereby guiding future teaching and professional decisions,” she says.

Details—including criteria, eligibility, and the nomination process and forms—are available on the centre’s website. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. May 16. Questions and comments may be directed to Pierre Boulos,

The network encourages readers to browse around the CTL website for more information regarding its services and resources, and to check out its blog, Facebook, and Twitter pages.