
Edward TweedieThe April 30 conference Trends in Forensic Sciences will feature a keynote by forensic pathologist Edward Tweedie.

Conference to consider currents in science of crime-solving

The April 30 conference Trends in Forensic Sciences will feature a keynote by forensic pathologist Edward Tweedie.

John AlbaneseJohn Albanese has recently acquired a portable 3D osteology lab he will use to scan and analyze bones, crime scenes, and tombs. He will use it on site when he resumes his work in Greece, Brazil, and in Manitoba with the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation.

Forensic anthropologist eager to return to field work

Forensics professor John Albanese has acquired a portable 3D osteology lab he will use to scan and analyze bones, crime scenes, and tombs.

Joy Kobti reaching under shelf in labScience Society president Joy Kobti worked with professor John Trant studying selective acetate deprotection in carbohydrate chemistry.

Science recognizes student engagement beyond the classroom

The Faculty of Science has recognized more than 100 students as LEAD Medallion Scholars.

forensics style stuffThe University of Windsor is hosting the sixth annual Trends in Forensic Sciences conference on Tuesday, April 2.

Conference to showcase forensic sciences program

The University of Windsor is hosting the sixth annual Trends in Forensic Sciences conference on Tuesday, April 2.

fingerprint being scannedThe University of Windsor will host the fifth annual Trends in Forensic Sciences conference on Friday, April 6.

Conference a showcase for research in forensics

The University of Windsor will host the fifth annual Trends in Forensic Sciences conference on Friday, April 6.

students dusting for fingerprintsA collaboration with computer science will allow forensics students to acquire skiils in information technology.

Stream of study to open forensic sciences to IT

The Forensic Sciences program is starting a new stream of Information Technology for students completing their honours degrees.