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Thanksgiving dinner: roast turkey with fixingsOpen your home to an international student ready to try Canadian Thanksgiving traditions through the Host for the Holidays program.

Tuesday deadline to apply as holiday host

Local families hoping to make their Thanksgiving celebrations a little more multicultural have until Tuesday, Oct. 1, to apply to act as a Host for the Holidays.

The program matches those willing to open their homes with international students eager for a taste of Canadian culture. Families can host a meal Oct. 12, 13, or 14. This year the program will operate only for Thanksgiving; previously it extended to the Christmas season as well.

Beth Oakley, director of the International Student Centre, says the University takes pride in the welcome provided by the hosts.

“When the community steps up to host families for Thanksgiving, it allows the students to see how truly giving and community-minded the Windsor-Essex region is,” she says. “Our hosts always tell us what a positive experience it is for their families as well. Many hosts sign up year after year.”

The centre will accept applications to host through Tuesday, Oct. 1. Learn more, or sign up to receive a Thanksgiving guest, on the Host for the Holidays website.