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Clark Residence will close

The University will permanently close Clark Residence.

Both Clark 1 and 2 residence buildings have not been in use during Fall 2015. This was done so that a thorough feasibility study could be done to determine their future. Based on the age of the buildings, the extensive nature of renovations needed, and the shifting demographics of students seeking residence accommodation, the decision has been made to take Clark 1 and 2 out of operation.

The Clark Residence accommodated about 150 residents, and students have been placed in other residences on campus. There are currently about 900 students in Alumni, Cartier, Laurier and Macdonald halls and there is adequate space to meet the needs for Fall 2016.

Closing Clark Residence, along with the closure of Electa Hall, allows for continued rationalization and renewal of the University’s infrastructure. Like Electa Hall, Clark Residence will be taken down and retained as green space for future needs. This rationalization enables the University to prioritize its investments in residences that will serve the institution and its students into the future.