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Using UwinCARD proves profitable to prize winners

Three members of the University’s staff garnered more benefit than they expected this month when they used the payroll deduction program to pay for some campus purchases: they each received a $10 gift card from the UwinCARD office in a random draw of its employee customers.

The payroll deduction program allows faculty and staff to use their UwinCARD to charge food or bookstore purchases and have the cost deducted from their next paycheque. In an effort to encourage its use, the office has started monthly prize draws.

Paul Grzeszczak, a consultant at the IT Servcies HelpDesk; Kim Moore, director of international admissions; and Darrel Laurendeau, manager of educational technologies in the Centre for Teaching and Learning, were the inaugural winners, collecting $10 in UwinCASH to spend at campus service outlets.

Laurendeau said he appreciated the gesture, but didn’t need convincing to use the payroll deduction program.

“It’s fast and convenient, and I don’t need to carry any cash around with me when I’m on campus,” he said.

Sign up for the payroll deduction program—and maybe become one of next month’s winners—in the UwinCARD office, room B104, CAW Student Centre.

— by Matthew Kirby