Celebration of Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creative ActivityA series of articles over the next several weeks will recognize successes and achievements of individual researchers.

Virtual celebration to recognize accomplishments in research, scholarship, and creative activity

While the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation last year of the annual Celebration of Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity, a new form of acknowledgement will take its place, says K.W. Michael Siu, vice-president, research and innovation.

“Starting today and continuing over the next several weeks, we will celebrate the success of our colleagues,” he says. “At the University of Windsor, research permeates everything that we do, and I am delighted to share with you that the fields of study being recognized exemplify a very broad array of the excellent work being done on our campus.”

DailyNews will publish a series of articles alerting readers to the recognition of individual researchers’ success and achievements, for a celebration like no other since the awards were established in 2000, says UWindsor president Robert Gordon.

“Though we have typically met in person to fête those researchers who have made outstanding contributions to their disciplines over the past year, we are no less honoured to join our colleagues virtually in a genuine celebration of all we have accomplished as a research community over the past two years,” says Dr. Gordon.

“Even though circumstances have forced us to be apart physically, we continue the spirit of awards that give us an opportunity to recognize the outstanding efforts of our researchers.”

The materials will also populate the website of the Celebration of Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. Watch the introductory video.

Neon sign "Trivia Night"Faculty and staff fans of useless knowledge are invited to gather online April 9 for the fifth entry in the University’s virtual trivia competition.

Practising for Jeopardy to host faculty-staff Trivia Night

There is still time for faculty and staff to sign up for the fifth entry in the University’s virtual trivia competition, Friday, April 9, at 8 p.m.

Quiz questions are in the works by the previous winners, “Practising for Jeopardy”: Heather Pratt, Sue Holiga, Phil Smith, Sandra Raffoul, and Ashley Holiga.

Contestants may form teams of up to five, or individuals can join as free agents to be assigned a team. There is no cost to participate.

Register online by clicking here prior to April 8; direct questions about the event to Ashley Holiga at aholiga@uwindsor.ca.

Dog wearing glasses reading NietzscheProf. Stella Aussie has gone viral on YouTube with her ability to hit a button labelled “Nietzsche” when presented with a passage from Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Anthrozoology program to begin admitting dogs

The UWindsor Anthrozoology program is going to the dogs. Applications for Fall 2021 admissions open today — April 1 — for qualified canines.

The application process calls for human companions to submit videos of the applicants demonstrating their obedience and intelligence — basic commands, off-leash behaviour, and any favourite tricks.

“Admission to the pet-friendly program is competitive,” says anthrozoology academic co-ordinator Beth Daly. “We’re thrilled to be at the cutting edge of dog education.”

She cites results from the International Canine Linguistic Institute, where researchers trained an Australian Shepherd to distinguish specific concepts in the work of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Prof. Stella Aussie from the institute has gone viral on YouTube with her ability to hit a button labelled “Nietzsche” when presented with a passage from Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Dr. Daly says that UWindsor has recently signed a partnering agreement with the company TalkTalk to translate barking vocalizations into iterative conversations so that pets can use social networks to communicate with one another during pandemic restrictions. The Pet-2-Pet app is freely accessible and boasts a name, Woof-woof, as charming as it is useful.

Despite interest from cat owners, Daly has no intention to begin admitting felines to UWindsor classrooms.

“Teaching even an old dog new tricks is one thing,” she says. “But can you imagine trying to herd a class full of cats? That would be like … I’m sure an analogy will come to me.”

She invites those interested in signing up their companion dogs for the program to complete an online application.

Calendar with April 2 exed outDailyNews will not publish an edition Friday, April 3.

Holiday pre-empts DailyNews publication

In light of the Good Friday statutory holiday, DailyNews will not publish on April 3.

The University’s e-newsletter will return Monday, April 5.