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Hamed Kalami

Michael Elachkar, a skilled trades professional enrolled in the university’s BEng Tech program, shows Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland how the class is working with programmable logic controllers to improve industrial automation.Michael Elachkar, a skilled trades professional enrolled in the university’s BEng Tech program, shows Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland how the class is working with programmable logic controllers to improve industrial automation.

Visit educates federal minister about engineering innovations

Foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland met with engineering students and faculty Tuesday.

Hamed Kalami, Andre Khayat and Liza DiCeccoResearch conducted by mechanical engineering students Hamed Kalami, Andre Khayat and Liza DiCecco was highlighted at the12th International Federation of Automatic Control Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems on December 5 to 7 in Austin, Texas. Kalami and Khayat received the Young Researcher Award for their work on a 3D printable hand brace that can assist people with connective tissue disorders.

Mechanical engineering students receive international research award

Windsor engineering students won international recognition for design of a 3D printable hand brace to assist people with connective tissue disorders.