Doctoral student Krithika Muthukumaran has found that a natural antioxidant substance has prevented brain disease in lab animals.
Doctoral student Krithika Muthukumaran has found that a natural antioxidant substance has prevented brain disease in lab animals.
Jeremy Johnston, a master’s student of English literature, took top honours in the final round of the UWindsor Three Minute Thesis competition.
UWindsor students’ lab work earned them recognition recently at a natural health research conference in London.
Assisted suicide is topic guaranteed to court all kinds of controversy.
However one place where you’ll get general consensus on the matter is among the students working in the biochemistry lab of Siyaram Pandey, where rather than people, they help cancer cells commit suicide.
“One of the hallmarks of cancer cells is that they forget how to die,” says third-year undergrad Daniel Tarade. “We’re forcing their hand, and causing them to commit suicide.”
A master’s student in biochemistry will get the chance to share what she knows about halting the progress of Parkinson’s disease with a large group of neurologists, pharmaceutical reps and fellow academics when she speaks at a national conference in British Columbia this week.