Mail and Xpresspost packages must reach Distribution Services by 2 p.m. to leave campus the same day, reports manager Lynn McLeod.
“Canada Post has moved up our cut-off time from 3:30,” she says.
The campus campaign for United Way has announced an annual pass entitling employees to participate in its Thursday dress-down days for just $50.
The University has approved casual dress days every Thursday through 2013. Individuals can purchase a sticker each week from their canvasser for a $2 donation to the United Way.
“The pass is just $50, and that donation is tax deductible,” says organizer Lynn McLeod. “If you participate through the year, the pass saves you more than half the cost, plus the tax deduction—what a deal!”
The campus campaign for United Way has announced an annual pass entitling employees to participate in its Thursday dress-down days for just $50.
The University has approved dress-down days every Thursday through 2012. Individuals can purchase a sticker each week from their canvasser for a $2 donation to the United Way.
“The pass is just $50, and that donation is tax deductible,” says organizer Lynn McLeod. “If you participate through the year, the pass saves you more than half the cost, plus the tax deduction – what a deal!”