Contact Information
Phone: (519) 352-1555
Office: 2208, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building
Ph.D. Stirling, OCT, GTCS
Partner Researcher with Lews Castle College, The University of Highlands and Islands (UHI)
- Member of: The Ontario Principals' Council; The Writers' Union of Canada (TWUC); and the Supervisory Officers' Program of Ontario
- Development of first Open-Access VLS Global Education Doctorate (EdD) in Remote Pedagogy and Stewardship (2022-)
- Impact Study of Microsoft STEM school, Bertha Park High School, Perth and Kinross Council (2019-2022).
- 2016-2020 Editor of The Journal of Teaching and Learning
- 2017-2020 Book Reviews' Editor for The Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation
- Canadian Children's Book Reviews' Editor for the National Reading Campaign
- $60,000 Scholastic research grant for Read 180, literacy intervention at Forster Secondary School in West Windsor (with Geri Salinitri) (2011-2013).
- Development of an international practice teaching placement (in Scotland) for pre-service English teachers.
- Writer-in-Residence, Municipality of Chatham-Kent and La Roche D'Hys Arts Centre, France.
Research Interests
- Multidisciplinary English curriculum
- Multilingualism and comparative education
- See: Research Gate Profile
Courses Taught
- 05-9690 Research Proposal Colloquium
- 05-8300 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research (Online)
- 05-9020 Ph.D. Core Seminar, Qualitative and Narrative Methodologies
Salinitri, D. & K. Smith. (2021). Leadership Strategies in STEM Innovative Schools: A Cross-Atlantic Case Study of a Canadian and a Scottish based Schools, In, Judith McConnell-Farmer (Mikkelson)’s (Ed.), World of Childhood: Connections and Sustainability with Reflections during the Pandemic. Linton Atlantic Press Ltd. pp. 302-315. ISBN 978123456789703800
Smith, K., T. Dolighan, G. Davies & S. Clyde. (2021). Supports teachers need to successfully transition to remote learning, In, P.R. Cook’s (Ed), Diverse Learning in 2020 and Beyond. Belize International Symposium on Education Conference Proceedings. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 56-72. ISBN 1527575896
Sefton, T., K. Smith & W. Tousignant. (2020). Integrating multiliteracies for preservice teachers using project-based learning. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 14(2): 18-32.
Smith, K. (2019). Nothing About Us, Without Us’: Including Indigenous Family Knowledge in the Classroom. In, P.R. Cook’s (Ed.) Discovering New Educational Trends, V.3: A Symposium in Belize, Central America. Cambridge Scholars Press. Chapter 6.2, pp. 170-180. ISBN 9781527538047.
Beckford, C., C. Cobb, Y. Daniel, P. Petahtegoose, K. Roland, G. Salinitri & K. Smith. (2017). Strengthening experiential education and social justice through global education, internationalization and community service learning at the University of Windsor. In D. Petrarca & J. Kitchen’s (Eds.) Initial Teacher Education in Ontario: The first year of four-semester teacher education programs. CATE: Canadian Association for Teacher Education Polygraph Book Series (09). 243-262.
Smith, K. (2017). The Artists of Crow County. Windsor: Black Moss Press. (Shortlisted for the Walrus Poetry Prize.)
Cobb, C., C. Greig & K. Smith. (2016). Next to the Ice: Exploring the culture and community of hockey in Canada. Oakville: Mosaic Press.
Smith, K. (2016). Developing a Multi-literate Child. In Pamela R. Cook's, Guide to Early Childhood Education: Development-Design-Diversity. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd.
Smith, K. (Ed.) (2010). ConnectED. Windsor: Faculty of Education, University of Windsor.
Smith, K. & Bèlanger, P. (2009). French for English parents: Fast-track language. Toronto: Livre Press.
Smith, K. (Ed.) (2007). Teaching, Learning, Assessing. Oakville: Mosaic Press.
Smith, K. & McMillan, C. (2006). Language musics. Canadian Music Educator/Musicien Educateur au Canada, 48(2): 28-33.
Pecaski McLennan, D. & Smith, K. (2006). Promoting positive behaviours using sociodrama. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 4(2): 47-55.
Smith, K. (2000). Gaelic language maintenance constructs. Journal of Celtic Language Learning, 5(1): 34-61.
Ph.D. - Stirling University (U.K.)
B.Ed., M.Ed. - University of Western Ontario
B.Comm. - University of Windsor
B.A. - University of Waterloo
Select Graduate Supervisions
Salinitri, Dina (in progress) Unravelling the socio-political dynamics of women in educational leadership. University of Windsor.
Cook, Pamela, Ph.D. (2010). A comparative description of primary education in Belize, Central America. University of Windsor.
Karas, Gabriela, M.Ed. (2003). Multiple meanings of literacy: a review of international and comparative literature pertaining to the definition of literacy. University of Windsor.
Lin, Yi, Ph.D. (2009). Investigating role play implementation: a multiple case study on Chinese EFL teachers using role play in their secondary classrooms in China. University of Windsor.
Pecaski McLennan, Deanna, Ph.D. (2007). Kinder-caring: exploring the use and effects of sociodrama in a kindergarten classroom. University of Windsor.
Deanna Pecaski McLennan is the 2021 Prime Minister’s Award Winner for Teaching