Contact Information
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext 3803
Office: Room 3329, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research
Associate Professor, Ph.D. University of Windsor
Research Interests
- Pre-service teachers’ beliefs about education
- Pupil control ideologies
- Relationship between leadership styles and teacher socialization
- Online Learning Management Systems
- Restorative Justice
- Educational Effectiveness.
In the last several years, my research (Rideout, 2006; Rideout & Morton, 2007; Rideout & Koot, 2009; Rideout & Morton, 2010) has examined the relationship between beliefs/orientations and ideologies sustaining custodial and humanistic learning environments, as identified in the Pupil Control Ideology (PCI) literature. This research was focused on the pre-service teacher preparation stage. More recently, an empirical examination was conducted of changes toward more humanistic or more custodial PCI that might occur during beginning teachers’ early years in the classroom (Rideout & Windle, 2010). Shifts in PCI were examined in relation to the ‘internal’ factor of teachers’ beliefs about education, and ‘external’ factors such as mentorship, induction programs, and school leadership style. Beginning teachers were identified as more reflective, more authentic (aligning actions with beliefs), and less imitative in their classroom practices than during their pre-service program, when they were perceived as being more custodial and more imitative. Most recently, findings of the Rideout and Windle study have been tested and expanded in a national SSHRC-funded study. Preliminary findings of this study were presented at the University of New Brunswick (CSSE) in May, 2011. They were published as Researcher-identified and emergent predictors of pupil control ideologies: A Canadian beginning teacher perspective(Rideout & Windle, 2013).
Closely associated with this line of inquiry pertaining to a humanistic approach to education are a series of Restorative Justice studies that have been conducted in collaboration with the Greater Essex County District School Board, along with my colleagues Roland, Salinitri, and Frey. These studies have identified and quantified specific outcomes of a pilot implementation of restorative justice practices in seven of the Board’s schools (Rideout, Roland, Salinitri, & Frey, 2011), and led to the development of a Restorative Justice Ideology (RJI) measurement instrument during 2010/2011. This instrument which was published as Development and use of a restorative justice ideology instrument: Assessing beliefs (Roland, Rideout, Salinitri, and Frey, 2012) will be used to assist in the planning and assessment of sustainable restorative justice training initiatives.
Most recently, my research interests as it pertains to Pupil Control Ideologies and Restorative Justice have taken on an international flavor as I have visited schools and universities in Beijing, Chongqing, and Dongying (Shandong Province), China. Data is currently being collected as a means of comparing Chinese and Canadian PCI, and a Tsinghua University (Beijing) conference presentation (Sefton, Rideout & Bayley, 2014) will be submitted as a journal manuscript shortly.
Courses Taught
Pre-Service Courses
- 80-205 PJ/JI – Educational Foundations, Law, and Ethics
- 80-202 PJ/JI – Educational Foundations and Instructional Design
Graduate Courses
- 80-531 (Masters) – Supervision of the Instructional Process
- 80-535 (Masters) – Organizational Behaviour in Educational Institutions
- 80-565 (Masters)- Sociological Aspects of Education
- 80-795 (Masters) – Final Project Seminar
- 80-621 (PhD) – Educational Policy and Leadership
Sefton, T. Rideout, G, & Bayley, J. (2016) Collaborating in (mis)translation: Opportunities lost and found during a multi year exchange program between Canada and China
Rideout, G, and Windle, S. (2013) Researcher-indentified and emergent predictors of pupil control ideologies: A Canadian beginning teacher perspective. Teacher Development, 17(4), 478-498.
Roland, K., Rideout, G., Salinitri, G., & Frey, M. (2012). Development and use of a restorative justive ideology instrument: Assessing beliefs, Contemporary Justice Review, 15(4), 435-448.
Rideout, G., Roland, K., Salinitri, G., & Frey, M. (2011). Measuring the Impact of Restorative Justice Practices: Outcomes and Contexts, Journal Of Educational Administration and Foundations, 31(2), 35-60.
Rideout, G., Windle, S. (2010). Beginning Teachers Pupil Control Ideologies: An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Beliefs About Education, Mentorship, Induction, and Principal Leadership Style, Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 104, 1-48.
Rideout, G., Morton, L. (2010) Pre-service teachers beliefs and pupil control ideologies: The custodializing practicum, Journal of Educational Administration, 48(1), 64-88.
Rideout, G., Koot, R. (2009). Reflective, Humanistic, Effective Teacher Education: Do Principles Supported in the Deans’ Accord Make a Difference in Program Outcomes? Canadian Journal of Education, 32(4), 927-956, Special Issue on Teacher Education in Canada.
Rideout, G., Bruinsma, R., Hull, J., Modayil, J. (2007). Online Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Sense of Community: A Pre-service Practicum Perspective, Canadian Journal Of Learning and Technology, 33(3), 137-157.
Rideout, G., Morton, L. (2007). Pre-Service Teacher's Beliefs and Other Predictors of Pupil Control Ideologies, Journal of Educational Administration, 45, 587-604, 2007.
Rideout, G. (2006). Educational Beliefs and the Learning Environment, Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10, 67-71.
Rideout, G., McKay, L., Morton, L. (2004). The Framework and Measure of Effective Visioning Strategy (MCP-FIV), Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 50, 68-86.
B. A. (1976): Memorial University of Newfoundland
B. Ed. (1976): Memorial University of Newfoundland
M. Ed. (2001): University of Windsor
Ph. D. (2005): University of Windsor
Recent Graduate Supervision
- Creating Social Justice Leaders Within Education Systems- A Comparison of Manage-By-Objectives and Management-By-Islam
- Selection Method for Occasional Teacher Placement
- The Relationship Between Professional Learning Communities and Beginning Teacher Self-Efficacy
- The Role of Reflective Thinking as Premise Reflection in Teacher Preparation Programs
- PhD committee reader for School Experiences of Vulnerable Children in Tanzania
- PhD committee reader for Academic Entitlement, Student Motivation, and Academic Outcomes