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Dr. Guoqiang (George) Zhou

george zhou standing in front of a book shelf smiling




Dr. Guoqiang (George) Zhou 
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext 3813
Office: Room 3326, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building

Profile Icon Profile

Dr. Zhou taught at City University of New York before he joined in the University of Windsor. Using the post-colonial theory as a framework, Dr. Zhou proposed an inquiry-based argument approach to science teaching (Zhou, 2010 & 2012). According to his approach, the purpose of teaching is to convince students to appreciate science through a process of argumentation, rather than the use of scientific ideas to replace students’ intuitive preconceptions. This approach emphasizes the inclusion of all students with various social, cultural, and experiential backgrounds during the process of knowledge construction. It implies a new understanding of being an effective science teacher. Traditionally, we think a person is a good teacher if he or she can speak clearly and present materials in a logical way. With the awareness of student preconception, we expect teachers to start their teaching from where students are. They do not only present information clearly and logically, but also know how to negotiate with students and persuade students to appreciate scientific notions.

My research has been focused on science education and educational technology. Student preconceptions and conceptual change in science, inquiry-based science teaching and learning, technology integration with science instruction, argumentation and multiculturalism in science education, are some of the topics my research and publications have covered. In regards to technology, my research investigates how to facilitate pre- and in-service teachers develop technology-related pedagogical content knowledge so that they can teach with technology. Faculty adoption of technology is also within my research scope.

Given the significance of the culture factor for education, I have expanded my research into international and comparative education. I have finished a number of projects researching international students on Canadian university campuses, Chinese immigrant parents’ involvement in their children’s education, comparative studies of the use of science textbooks by Canadian and Chinese school teachers, comparative studies of technology integration with Canadian and Chinese teacher education programs, etc. With a post-colonial theoretical framework, I examine the goal of science education, the ways of teaching science to English Language Learners, and the preparation of teacher candidates for cultural diversity.

Courses Taught Icon Courses Taught

  • EDUC 5376  Physics Teachable
  • EDUC 5374  Chemistry Teachable
  • EDUC 5499  Practice Teaching Supervision
  • EDUC 5207  Ecology and Wellness: Environmental Education for 21st century Environmental Stewardship
  • EDUC 8100 Statistics in Education
  • EDUC 8930 Educational Research Internship
  • EDUC 8270  Research in Education
  • EDUC 8470  Learning in Science
  • EDUC 8910  Special Topics in Education: Curriculum Development in Science Education
  • EDUC 8340  Individual Reading Course
  • EDUC 8795  Final Project Seminar
  • EDUC 9040  Doctoral Seminar 2: Current Research, Theories, and Issues
  • EDUC 9690  Doctoral Research Proposal Colloquium

Publications Icon Publications

Smith, C., Zhou, G., Potter, M., Wang, D., Menezes, F., & Kaur, G. (2020), Connecting best practices for teaching international students with student satisfaction: A review of stem and non- stem student perspectives. In V. Tavares (Ed.), Multidisciplinary perspectives on international student experience in Canadian higher education (pp. 63-80), IGI Global.

Zhou, G., Yu, Z., Rideout, G., & Smith, C. (2020). Why don’t they participate in class? A study of Chinese students’ classroom participation in an international master of education program. In V. Tavares (Ed.), Multidisciplinary perspectives on international student experience in Canadian higher education (pp. 63-80), IGI Global.

Smith, C., Zhou, G., Potter, M., & Wang, D. (2019). Connecting best practices for teaching linguistically and culturally diverse international students with international student satisfaction and student perceptions of student learning. In W. B. James & C. Cobanoglu (Eds.), Advances in global education and research (Vol 3). FL, USA: ANAHEI Publishing, LLC.

Zhou, G., & Zhong, L. (2018). Chinese immigrant parents' involvement in their children’s school-based education: Behaviors and perceptions. In Guo, Y. (Ed.), Home-school relations: International perspective (pp. 89-111), Springer.

Zhou, G. (2015). Environmental pedagogical content knowledge: A conceptual framework for teacher knowledge and development. In S. Stratton, R. Hagevik, A. Feldman, & M. Bloom (Eds.) Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability (pp. 110-128), SPi-Global.

Zhou, G., & Xu, Z. (2013). Teacher candidates' knowledge construction with technology. In D. J. Loveless, B. Griffith, M. E. Bérci, E. T. Ortlieb, & P. M. Sullivan (Eds). Knowledge construction and multimodal curriculum development (pp.112-127). IGI Global.

Zhou, G. (2011). Educational technology and educational reform. In R. Ouyang & X. Wang (Eds.), Educational Technology (pp. 82-106). Beijing: Renmin University of China Press.

Zhang, Z., & Zhou, G. (2011). Understanding Chinese international students at a Canadian university: Perspectives, expectations, and experiences. In J. Ryan (Ed.), Understanding China’s education reform: Creating cross cultural knowledge, pedagogies and dialogue (pp. 123-133). London: Routledge.

Dou, G. X., Ma, S. M., Zhou, G., & Shang, Z. P. (1997). Physics: Textbook for vocational high school students (Vol.1). Beijing: People's Education Press, 1997.

Dou, G. X., Ma, S. M., Zhou, G., & Shang, Z. P. (1997). Reference book for physics teachers in vocational high schools (Vol. 1). Beijing: People's Education Press.

Zhou, G. (2024). Nature of science and science education. China Science & Technology Education, 335, 10-14 (in Chinese).

Li, L. & Zhou, G. (2023). Conceptual change in time: A critical interpretive synthesis of experimental studies. SN Social Sciences, 3(1).

Ayoub, M. & Zhou, G. (2023). Syrian Newcomer Students Share Their Experiences in Canadian Schools. Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 32(1), 38-58.

Ayoub, M., & Zhou, G. (2022). Syrian Newcomer Students Feelings and Attitudes Regarding Their Education in Canada. In Education, 28(1a), 2-22.

Zhang, G., Li, Y., Zhou, G., & Ho, S. (2022). A comparative study of pre-service science teachers’ view of nature of science between China and Canada. ECNU Review of Education5(3), 520-536.

Zhou, G., Wang, P., Liu, T., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Fu, C., & Wu, S. (2022). What you learned will not go away: The impact of an exchange program on Chinese teacher candidates' understanding of and practice in science education. ECNU Review of Education5(3), 404-424.

Razi, A., & Zhou, G. (2022). STEM, iSTEM, and STEAM: What is next? International Journal of Technology in Education, 5(1), 1-29.

Zhao, S., Zhou, G., Fallis, J., Pillon, K. & Luo, R. (2021). Information literacy skills: Investigating differences between native and non-native English-speaking studentsThe Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(5), Article 102424, 2021.

Smith, C., Zhou, G., Potter, M., & Ammar, F. (2021). Post-secondary student perspectives on the promising practices for teaching online international studentsInternational Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 12(3), 4542-4547.

Ho, S. & Zhou, G. (2021). School selection for their children in Canada: What Chinese parent-students do? Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 67(2), 129-146.

Ayoub, M. & Zhou, G. (2021). Somali refugee students in Canadian schools: Postmigration experiences. McGill Journal of Education56(1), 33-51.

Wang, P., & Zhou, G. (2021). A study of Chinese international students’ dropout from a pre-university English language improvement program: Acculturation experiences and challenges. McGill Journal of Education56(1), 52-70.

Zhang, G., Li, Y., Zhou, G., & Ho, S. (2021). A comparative study of pre-service science teachers’ view of nature of science between China and Canada. Online first, ECNU Review of Education.

Zhou, G., Wang, P., Liu, T., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Fu, C., & Wu, S. (2021). What you learned will not go away: The impact of an exchange program on Chinese teacher candidates' understanding of and practice in science education. Online first, ECNU Review of Education.

Zhou, G., Zhong, L., & Zheng, J. (2020). Chinese immigrant parents’ involvement in their children’s after school education: Behaviors and perspectivesComparative and International Education, 48(2).

He, L., Zhou, G., Salinitri, G., & Xu, L. (2020). Female under-representation in STEM subjects: An exploratory study of female high school students in ChinaEURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20 (1), Article No: em1802.

Lubrick, M.; Zhou, G., & Zhang, J. (2019). Is the future bright? The potential of lightboard videos for student achievement and engagement in learningEURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(8), Article No: em1735

Zhou, G., Ho, S., Li, Y., Luo, M., Freedman, H., & Luo, J. (2019). Reciprocal learning between Canadian and Chinese schools through the 24 natures notes projectJournal of Teaching and Learning, 13 (1), 7-24.

Smith, C., Zhou, G., Potter, M., Wang, D., Pecoraro, M., & Paulino, R. (2019). Variability by individual student characteristics of student satisfaction with promising international student teaching practicesLiteracy Information and Computer Education Journal. 10(2), 3160-3169.

Salinitri, G., Palazzolo, S., Nahaiciuc, R., Iaeobelli, E., Li, Y., & Zhou, G. (2018). Analysis of Canadian inquiry-based science teaching practices and its implications for reciprocal learningUniversal Journal of Educational Research, 6(10), 2280-2293.

Chen, J. & Zhou. G. (2018). Chinese international students' sense of belonging in North American postsecondary institutions: A critical literature reviewBrock Education, 28(2), 48-63.

Zhang, Z. & Zhou, G. (2018). High school girls' perspectives of and attitudes toward computer studies courses: An exploratory study. The Journal of Teacher Education and Educational Leadership, 2, 105-115.

Zhou, G.; Liu, T.; & Rideout, G. (2017). A study of international students enrolled in the master of education program at a Canadian university: Experiences, challenges, and expectationsInternational Journal of Chinese Education, 6(2), 210-235.

Yang, L. & Zhou, G. (2017). An analysis of Ontario teacher learning and leadership program (TLLP) and its implications for Chinese inservice teacher education. The Inservice Education and Training of School Teachers, 34(4), 75-78.

Zhou, G. & Xu, J. (2017). Microteaching lesson study: An approach to prepare teacher candidates to teach science through inquiryInternational Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 5(3), 235-247.

Zhou, G., Xu, J., & Martinovic, D. (2017). Use the microteaching lesson study approach to develop pre-service teachers capacity in teaching science with technologyEURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(1), 85-103

Ayoub, M. & Zhou, G. (2016). Somali refugee students in Canadian elementary schools: Pre-migration experiences and challenges in refugee campsComparative and International Education, 45(3), Article 5.

Zhou, G., & Zhang, Z. (2014). A study of the first year international students at a Canadian university: Challenges and experiences with social integrationCanadian and International Education, 43(2), Article 7.

Manavathu, M., & Zhou, G. (2012). The impact of differentiated instructional materials on English language learner (Ell) students’ comprehension of science laboratory tasksCanadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education12 (4), 334-349.

Jiang, F., Zhou, G., Zhang, Z., Beckford, C., & Zhong, L. (2012), Chinese immigrant parents communication with school teachers. Canadian and International Education41 (1), 59-80.

Zhou, G. (2012). A cultural perspective of conceptual change: Re-examine the goal of science educationMcGill Journal of Education47 (1), 109-129.

Zhou,G., Zhang, Z. & Li, Y. (2011). Are secondary preservice teachers well prepared to teach with technology? A case from ChinaAustralasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27 (6), 943-960.

Zhong, L. & Zhou, G. (2011), Chinese immigrant parents' involvement in their children’s school education: High interest but low action. Brock Education Journal, 20 (2), 4-21.

Zhou, G., Kim, J., & Kerekes, J. (2011). Collaborative teaching of a multidisciplinary methods courseInternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 3 (2), 123-138.

Zhou, G., & Xu, J. (2011). Technology capacity building for preservice teachers through methods courses: Taking science as exampleInternational Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 1 (3), 49-61, 2011.

Zhang, Z., & Zhou, G. (2010). Understanding Chinese international students at a Canadian university: Perspectives, expectations, and experiencesCanadian and International Education, 39 (3), 43-58.

Zhou, G. (2010). Conceptual change in science: A process of argumentationEurasia Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 6 (2), 101-110.

Zhou, G., & Kim, J. (2010). Impact of a multidisciplinary methods course on pre-service teachers' perspectives of curriculum integrationCanadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 10 (2), 123-138.

Lynblinskaya, I., & Zhou, G. (2008). Integrating graphing calculator technology in a science methods course: Impacts on pre-service teachers’ confidence and perspective on technology for teaching and learningJournal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 27 (2), 163-182.

Zhou, G., Nocente, N., & Brouwer, W. (2008). Understanding student cognition from an analysis of their preconceptions in physics. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 54 (1), 14-29.

Zhou, G., & Xu, J. (2007). Adoption of educational technology: How does gender matter? International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 19 (2), 140-153.

Zhou, G., & Xu, J. (2007). Adoption of educational technology ten year after setting strategic goals: A Canadian university caseAustralasian Journal of Educational Technology. 23 (4), 508-528.

Zhou, G. Varnhagen, S., Sears, M., Kasprzak, S., & Shervey, G. (2007). Online professional development for inservice teachers in information and communication technology: Potentials and challengesCanadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 33 (2), 123-143.

Zhou, G., Varnhagen, S, & Kasprzak, S. (2006). Learning community building: Lessons learned from an online professional development course for in-service teachersQwerty: Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture, and Education. 1 (1), 63-77.

Zhou, G., Xu, Z., & Wu, X. (2006). Argument and conceptual change. Alberta Science Education Journal38 (1), 18-27.

Zhou, G., Brouwer, W., Nocente, N., & Martin, B. (2005). Enhancing conceptual learning through computer-based applets: The effectiveness and implicationsJournal of Interactive Learning Research, 16 (1), 31-49.

Zhou, G., Li, Y., & Luo J. (2023) (eds.). Science education and international cross-cultural reciprocal learning: Perspectives from the Nature Notes Program. Springer.

Smith, C. & Zhou, G. (2022) (eds.). Handbook of research on teaching strategies for culturally and linguistically diverse international students. IGI Global.

Education Icon Education

PhD., University of Alberta
M.Ed., Huazhong University of Science and Technology
B.Sc., B.Ed. Liaocheng University

Recent Graduate Supervision

Mohamad Ayoub (PhD). Dissertation title: An investigation of the experiences of Syrian refugee students in Canadian elementary schools: A mixed-methods study. Defence on April 13, 2020.

Tracey Gurbin (PhD). Dissertation title: Learning that sustains the use of an appropriate technology: A case study of residential solar energy. Defence on Jan 16, 2020

Shuzhen Zhao (PhD). Dissertation title: A study of graduate students’ information literacy needs in the electronic resource environment. Defence on April 11, 2019.

Lan Zhong (PhD). Doctoral dissertation title: Chinese immigrant parents' involvement in their elementary school children’s education in Windsor, Ontario: Perspectives and practices. Defence on Nov. 8, 2010.

Jing Tao (MEd). Major paper title: Chinese immigrant parents' involvement in their children's education: Characteristics and challenges. Defence on Dec. 13, 2019

Chunlei Liu (MEd). Thesis title: Chinese pre-service science teachers’ cross-cultural experiences in Canada: A narrative inquiry. Defence on March 25, 2019

Zongyong Yu (MEd). Thesis title: A study of Chinese international students’ classroom participation in an international M.Ed program. Defence on May 4, 2018

Lizhi He (MEd). Thesis title:  Female underrepresentation in stem subjects: A study of female high school students in China. Defence on April 20, 2018

Jana LePage- Kijajic (MEd). Major paper title: Inquiry-based learning as a strategy to support student success. Defence on Nov. 8, 2018

Xiao Shao (MEd). Major paper title: An analysis of the use of inquiry-based approach in Chinese classrooms. Defence on April 12, 2018

Wai Ying Ho (MEd). Thesis title: Parental involvement of Chinese international students in regards to their children’s school selection and communication with teachers. Defence on January 17, 2018

Jia Chen (MEd). Major paper title: The sense of belonging of Chinese international students in North America. Defence on January 16, 2018

Kristi Wiebe (MEd). Thesis title: Parental influences, environment, and self-concept as key factors in child vocational development. Defence on Dec. 18, 2017

Tian Liu (MEd). Thesis title:  Learning experience of Chinese international students in master of education program at a mid-sized Ontario university. Defence on July 4, 2016

Junyi Zhang (MEd). Thesis title: Chinese immigrant parents and children’s perspectives and behaviors in extra-curriculum music learning. Defence on June 27, 2016

Peiyu Wang (MEd). Thesis title: A study of drop-out Chinese international students from a Canadian pre-university English language improvement program: Acculturation experiences and challenges. Defence on June 14, 2016

Nonghong Liu (MEd). Thesis title: Communication, conflict and mental health: Chinese immigrant parents and their children. Defended on January 7, 2015.

Rina Hyland (MEd). Thesis Title: An investigation of how written feedback influences applied level mathematics students' perceptions of assessment. Defended on January 27, 2015.

Cheryl Willetts (MEd). Major paper title: Diversity in schools: How can educators meet the needs? Defence on Sept. 5, 2014

Mohamad Ayoub (MEd). Thesis title: An investigation of the challenges experienced by Somali refugee students in Canadian elementary schools. Defence on May 30, 2014. 

Rebecca Reaume (MEd). Thesis title: Pre-service teachers' Perspectives of and Experiences with Inquiry-based Science Teaching. Defence on August 9, 2011. 

Fan Jiang (MEd). Thesis title: Chinese immigrant parents' communication with school teachers: Experiences, challenges, and expectations. Defence on May 27, 2011.

Marian Manavathu (MED). Thesis title: The investigation of laboratory task comprehension through the use of English language learner modified science instructional materials. Defence on Jan. 18, 2010.


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