Contact Information
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 3878
Office: Room 3326A, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building
Associate Professor, Ph.D UPEI
Teaching and Research Interests
Dr. Stewart explores who we are within shifting identity constructs, institutional contexts, and the contemporary information ecosystem. Associate Professor of Online Pedagogy and Workplace Learning, Bonnie (she/they) has an extensive background in digital and experiential education, and in adult learning approaches to digital practice. Bonnie was an early MOOC researcher and ethnographer of Twitter as an academic environment, and currently investigates digital belonging, digital and data literacies, and systemic change in education, as well as the ethics of Generative AI.
Courses Taught
- Digital Technologies and Social Media Applications (B.Ed)
- Online Pedagogy and Workplace Learning (B.Ed)
- Issues in Education (M.Ed)
- Strategies for Implementing Change in Education (M.Ed)
- Doctoral Seminar 1 (Ph.D)
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (Ph.D.)
Stewart, B. (In Press). Digital teaching in a datafied world. How to Use Digital Learning with Confidence and Creativity: A Practical Introduction. G. O’Suilleabhain, T. Farrelly, & D. Lanclos (Eds.). Edward Elgar.
Szcyrek S., Stewart B., & Miklas E. (2024). Educators’ understandings of digital classroom tools and datafication: perceptions from higher education faculty. Research in Learning Technology, 32.
Stewart, B. (2023). GenAI on GenAI: Two prompts for a position paper on what educators need to know. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(2), 32-41.
Stewart, B. Miklas, E., Szcyrek, S., Le, Thu. (2023). Barriers and beliefs: A comparative case study of how university educators understand the datafication of higher education systems. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20(33).
Stewart, B. (2023). Towards an ethics of classroom tools: Educating educators for data literacy. In J. Raffaghelli & A. Sangrà (Eds). Fair data cultures in higher education: Emergent practices, professionalism, and the challenge ahead (p. 229-244). Springer.
Szcyrek, S. & Stewart, B. (2022). Surveillance in the system: Data as critical change in higher education. OTESSA Journal 2(2)
Stewart, B. (2022). The problem of the web: Can we prioritize both participatory practices and privacy? Contemporary Educational Technology Journal 15(1).
Raffaghelli, J. & Stewart, B. (2022). Complexity as an approach to developing educators’ data literacy: A contribution to move beyond the datafied present and future. Educar con sentido transformador desde la universidad. Cultivando el pensamiento crítico conectando con la realidad. (Educating to make sense). P. Varga, (Ed). Barcelona, Spain: Octaedro.
Stewart, B. (2021). The open dissertation: How social media shaped – and scaled – my Ph.D process. Online communities for Ph.D researchers: Building engagement with social media. V. Sheppard & J. Sheldon, (Eds). London, UK: Routledge.
Stewart, B. & Lyons, E. (2021). When the classroom becomes datafied: A baseline for building data ethics policy and data literacies across higher education. Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(2), 54-68.
Parker, L., Delia Deckard, N., Stewart, B. & Nicholls, B. (2021). Hiding in plain sight: Constructing fractured identities as women in the neoliberal academy. In E. Lyle & S. Mahani (Eds.), Sister scholars: Untangling issues of identity as women in academe (pp. 115-123). DIO Press.
Raffaghelli, J., Manca, S., Stewart, B., Prinsloo, P., & Sangrà, A. (2020). Supporting the development of critical data literacies in higher education: Building blocks for fair data cultures in society. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 17(58), 1-22.
Johnston, S., & Stewart, B. (2020.) The Open Page: A case study of partnership as open pedagogy. International Journal for Students as Partners, 4(2), 81-89.
Stewart, B. (2020). The Open Page Project: Putting digital learning principles into practice for pre-service educators. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 14(1), 59-70.
Raffaghelli, J., & Stewart, B. (2020). Centering complexity in “educators’ data literacy:” A critical review of faculty development literature. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(4), 435-455.
Montero-Colbert, A., Delia Deckard, N., Stewart, B., Richard, S., & Nanan, A. (2019). Learning together in public and private: Exploring learner interactions and engagement in a blended platform MOOC environment. Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, 6(1), 2.
Stewart, B. (2018). Identity at the core: Open and digital leadership. Shaking the brick and mortar: Moving higher education online, A. Zorn, J. Haywood, & J.M. Glachant, (Eds). (pp. 139-156). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Stewart, B. (2018). Academic influence: The sea change. Disrupting digital humanities, D. Kim & J. Stommel, (Eds). (pp. 355-364). Punctum Books.
Stewart, B. (2018). Academic Twitter & academic capital: Collapsing orality & literacy in scholarly publics. The digital academic: Critical perspectives of digital technologies in higher education, D. Lupton, I. Mewburn & P. Thompson, (Eds). (pp. 64-77). New York, NY: Routledge.
Stewart, B. (2017). Twitter as method: Using Twitter as a tool to conduct research. SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research, A. Quan-Haase & L. Sloan, (Eds). (pp. 251-265). London, UK: SAGE.
Stewart, B. (2017). Antigonish 2.0: A way for higher ed to help save the web? EDUCAUSE Review 52(3).
Veletsianos, G. & Stewart, B. (2016). Discreet openness: Selective and intentional self-disclosures online. Social Media + Society, 2(3).
Stewart, B. (2016). Collapsed publics: Orality, literacy, and vulnerability in academic Twitter. Journal of Applied Social Theory, 1(1).
Honeychurch, S., Stewart, B., Hogue, R., Bali, M., & Cormier, D. (2016). How the community became more than the curriculum: Participant experiences in #Rhizo14. Current Issues in Emerging E-learning, 3(1), 26-40.
Stewart, B. (2015). In abundance: Networked participatory practices as scholarship. International Review of Research in Open & Distributed Learning, 16(3).
Stewart, B. (2015). Open to influence: What counts as academic influence in scholarly networked Twitter participation. Learning, Media, and Technology, 40(3), 287-309.
Stewart, B. (2013). Massiveness + openness: New literacies of participation? Journal of Online Learning & Teaching, 9(2), 228-238.
Grants Funded
UWindsor Open Learning Grant (2023 - 2024). Addressing AI: Updating the Open Page. Principal Investigator. University of Windsor Office of Open Learning internal grant - $4,000 CAD
SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2021 - 2023). Digital classroom tools and data risks: Faculty perspectives, knowledge, and practices. Principal Investigator. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) - $63,466 CAD
eCampus Ontario Virtual Learning Strategy Digital Fluency Grant (2021 - 2022). Learning to be Human Together. Collaborator. eCampus Ontario - $200,000 CAD
eCampus Ontario Virtual Learning Strategy Digital Content Grant (2021 - 2022). Humanizing Online Teaching and Learning: Instructor Guide, Student-Focused Resource Packs, and Exemplar Teaching Activities. Collaborator. eCampus Ontario - $ 61,276 CAD
SSHRC Connections Grant (2020 - 2021). Teaching culturally and linguistically diverse international students in open and online learning environments: A research symposium. Collaborator. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) - $7620 CAD
UWindsor SSHRC Explore Grant (2020). Student data risks and educational technologies: What do educators know? Principal Investigator. University of Windsor Office of Research & Innovation Services internal grant – $5,000 CAD
UWindsor Faculty of Education Research Stimulus Fund Grant (2020). A cookie for the teacher: Educators’ data literacies and practices. Principal Investigator. University of Windsor Faculty of Education Research Stimulus Fund internal grant – $3,000 CAD
UWindsor Centred on Learning Innovation Fund (CLIF) Grant (2019 – 2020). The teaching tool parade: A showcase of practice. Principal Investigator. University of Windsor Centre for Teaching & Learning internal grant – $1,995 CAD
UWindsor Open Learning OER ACE Grant (2019 – 2020). Open page: The teaching tool parade. Principal Investigator. University of Windsor Office of Open Learning internal grant – $7,489.20 CAD
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Research & Innovation Committee Visiting Fellowship (2019). Data literacies in digital scholarship. Co-investigator with Juliana Raffaghelli. Department of Psychology & Education, Edul@b Research Group, Open University of Catalonia / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – €1300 EUR
Joseph Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship. (2011 – 2014). Branded cyborg, lifelong learner: Digital subjects and the creative economy, Principal Investigator. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – $105,000 CAD
Knowledge Synthesis Grant on the Digital Economy. (2010 – 2011). In the open: The MOOC model for digital practice, Co-investigator with Sandy McAuley, George Siemens, & Dave Cormier. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – $18,000 CAD
Canadian Culture Online Strategy Grant. (2007 – 2008). A Living Archives, Collaborator and Project Coordinator with UPEI, Eastern School District of PEI, and PEI Public Archives and Record Office. Canadian Heritage – $454,000 CAD
M.Ed., Mount Saint Vincent University
B.A, B.Ed., Certificate in Special Education, Mount Allison University