Dr. Salsabel Almanssori’s current research program employs participatory and arts-based methodologies to explore how technological innovation contributes to violence and inequity, while also serving as a tool for resistance against systemic harm. She teaches at the Faculty of Education and in the Department of Interdisciplinary and Critical Studies. Dr. Almanssori regularly teaches cross-disciplinary courses on sexual violence in collaboration with the Bystander Initiative, a comprehensive, campus-wide approach to sexual violence prevention. Informed by her previous career as an elementary school teacher, she conducts research in the areas of teacher education, public digital pedagogy, sexual violence, technology-facilitated violence, and experiential learning. Dr. Almanssori is currently the Principal Investigator of two large SSHRC-funded Projects: (1) Pedagogy of social change: Teacher education to prevent sexual violence; and (2) The intersections of manosphere masculinity and technology facilitated sexual violence in Ontario secondary schools.
Research Interests
- Technology-facilitated violence
- Digital extremism
- Sexual violence prevention
- Public digital pedagogy
- Participatory methodology
- Feminist epistemology and pedagogy
- Intersectional methodology
- Hijabi girlhood
Courses Taught
- Teacher Education to Prevent Sexual Violence
- Practical Strategies for Social Change: Intervening to Prevent Sexual Assault
- Master’s Program: Issues in Education
- Media Literacy Methodology J/I
- Women, Race, and Social Justice
- Boys to Men: A Critical Exploration of Masculinities
Trent-Rennick, K., Vanner, C. & Almanssori, S. (2024). Time to teach about gender-based violence in Ontario. Education Forum.
Vanner, C. & Almanssori, S. (2024). Efforts to enhance education about gender-based violence: A teacher workshop and toolkit. Studies in Social Justice, 18(2), 362–371. https://doi.org/10.26522/ssj.v18i2.4476
Almanssori, S. & Saleh, M. (2024). Girls in hijab experience overlapping forms of racial and gendered violence. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/girls-in-hijab-experience-overlapping-forms-of-racial-and-gendered-violence-219786
Almanssori, S. & Saleh, M. (2023). Hijabi girlhood in the intersections: Violence, resistance, reclamation. A special issue of Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16(3), ix–xxi. https://doi.org/10.3167/ghs.2023.160302
Almanssori, S. (2023). Public pedagogy of hijabi girlhood: An analysis of #MyHijabStory YouTube vlogs. Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16(3), 18–34. https://doi.org/10.3167/ghs.2023.160304
Almanssori, S. (2022). Sexual violence prevention is missing in teacher education: perspectives of teacher candidates on prevention education. Sex Education, 1-15. doi: 10.1080/14681811.2022.2108391
Almanssori, S. (2022). A feminist inquiry into Canadian pre-service teacher narratives on sex education and sexual violence prevention. Gender and Education, 1-16. doi: 10.1080/09540253.2022.2101195
Almanssori, S. (2022). Teaching middle school students about structural racism with Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime. Radical Teacher, 123, 63-65. doi: 10.5195/rt.2022.1049
Almanssori, S. (2022). #MeToo and the feminist digital imaginary: Public digital pedagogy on sexual consent and violence. In D. Clover, K. Harman, K. Sanford, & S. Williamson (Eds). Feminism, Adult Education and Creative Possibility: Imaginative Responses (pp. 129–140). Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. doi: 10.5040/9781350231078.ch-9
Vanner, C., Holloway, A., & Almanssori, S. (2022). Teaching and learning with power and privilege: Student and teacher identity in education about gender-based violence. Teaching and Teacher Education, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2022.103755
Vanner, C. & Almanssori, S. (2021). “The whole truth”: Student perspectives on how Canadian teachers should teach about gender-based violence. Pedagogy, Culture, and Society, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/14681366.2021.2007987
Almanssori, S. & Stanley, M. (2021). Public pedagogy on sexual violence: A feminist discourse analysis of YouTube vlogs after #MeToo. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 18(1), 1-24. doi: 10.1080/15505170.2021.1895382
Almanssori, S. & Hillier, K. (2020). Frontline workers from home: A feminist duoethnographic inquiry of mothering, teaching, and academia in the context of COVID-19. Journal of Motherhood Initiative, 11(2), 171-188. https://jarm.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jarm/article/view/40613
Almanssori, S. (2020). Feminist pedagogy from pre-access to post-truth: A literature review. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education, 11(1), 54-68. https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cjnse/article/view/69579
Barrett, B.J., Almanssori, S., Kwan, D.L., & Waddick, E. (2015). Feminism within domestic violence coalitions: A quantitative content analysis. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 29(3), 359-371. doi: 10.1177/0886109915578729
Research Grants
OSSTF/FEESO Research Grant for Emergent Issues and Priorities (Principal Investigator), Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (2024)
Insight Development Grant (Principal Investigator), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2023)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2023)
Connection Grant (Co-Applicant), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2022)
Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2020)
Outstanding Dissertation Award, Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education (2022)
After spending 23 years developing and implementing a successful and busy instrumental music program at W.F. Herman Secondary School in Windsor, Ontario, Dr. Berthelotte is now retired from the Greater Essex County District School Board. Dr. Berthelotte teaches courses for the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor in Music Education and both writes and teaches Additional Qualification (AQ) courses for the Continuing Teacher Education Program, University of Windsor. She has also taught Music Education courses at Wayne State University, Michigan State University, the University of Western Ontario and the University of Regina.
Dr. Berthelotte’s research interest centers around the relationships that are developed between student teachers and their Associates in instrumental music placements and how those relationships affect the student teacher experience. She is also very invested in the use of journaling in instrumental music classes that trace the acquisition of critical listening skills and their impact on adolescents. Additionally, she has been involved in the writing process of AQ course facilitations for the Ontario College of Teachers; Music Education Exemplars for the Ministry of Education and regularly presents at conferences, offers instrumental music workshops and adjudicates music festivals around Canada.
Pre-pandemic, Dr. Berthelotte and her team of local music educator’s and music vendors developed MusicFest Windsor as a regional festival to Musicfest Canada. This festival saw the attendance of 1700 participants in 2019. MusicFest Windsor was successfully re-instated in March 2023. As well, she oversees a new project titled “The String Project” which has received 6 years of funding through a private donor. This funding distribution is overseen by the Windsor-Essex Community Foundation. This project involves learning to play the violin in an intense after school program four hours per week beginning in grade 3.
In addition to her busy teaching and work schedule, Dr. Berthelotte's orchestral experience is vast. She regularly performs with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra and continues to freelance in and around the City of Windsor and Detroit. Her past musical experiences include the Detroit Civic Symphony Orchestra, the Detroit Metropolitan Orchestra, the Canadian Chamber Orchestra, Lansing Symphony Orchestra, the Keystone Brass Summit in Colorado, the Majestic Brass Quintet and the Regina Symphony Orchestra.
Dr. Berthelotte's awards include the Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA) - Community Arts Leadership Award; Golden Key International Honour Society Award; Outstanding Service Award- Greater Essex County District School Board; Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence; the Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, a full scholarship from Wayne State University, a full fellowship from Michigan State University, the S. Hunter Henry Memorial Scholarship, and the Government of Canada's Female Doctoral Award.
- PhD (Music Education), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
- Master of Education (Curriculum), University of Windsor, Canada
- Master of Music (Performance), Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
- Bachelor of Education, University of Windsor, Canada
- Bachelor of Music (Performance), University of Windsor, Canada.
- Pre-service Courses:
- Music Methodology (J/I)
- Music Methodology (I/S)
- Music Teachable Year I
- Music Teachable, Year II
- Pedagogy of the Arts (I/S)
- Advisory Group – Music Education
- Bachelor of Music Courses:
- Brass Techniques
- Introduction to Music Education
Dr. Doan-Goss is currently employed as the Chief of Educational Research with the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Dr. Doan leads the Educational Research team that supports all aspects of the district including strategic plan development and monitoring, conducting mixed-methods and critical research to address equity, learning and well-being.
Dr. Doan-Goss' dissertation explored the role of cognitive constraints in school improvement decision-making through a qualitative interview study with principals. Her post-doctoral Mitacs Accelerate fellowship included working with Dr. Lindsey Jaber and the University of Windsor’s industry partner, Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC). Dr. Doan conducted a mixed-method study to provide a Canadian-contextual description of the social, cultural, and organizational phenomena of women working in senior leadership positions in the transit industry. This research is in the process of being published in a peer-review journal.
Dr. Doan-Goss is interested in pursuing research that challenges traditional leadership paradigms in the field of education in Ontario, arguing for the incorporation of asset-based, feminist and intersectional identity as a new framework for policy and practice. She is also interested in K-12 district strategic planning/monitoring and developing board-wide analytics programs.
Dr. Doan-Goss is always open for a chat, sharing of resources/practices or engage in research collaborations! Please feel free to send her an e-mail at bdoan@uwindsor.ca.
2020 PhD in Educational Studies, (Cognition & Learning) University of Windsor
2009 MSc in Experimental Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
2006 BA (Hons) Psychology, Brock University
Sample of Selected Publications & Presentations:
Doan, B. & Jaber, L. (In press). Gender Parity in the Canadian Transit Industry, Voices from Within. [White paper]. Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium.
Doan, B. & Jaber, L. (2021). HERLeadership: Addressing the Continued Lack of Women in Leadership. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics,18(5), 1-9.
Doan, B., Martinovic, D., Flessa, J., Kane, D., Chambers, J., & Smith, K. (2020). The Role of bounded rationality in school improvement. [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Windsor]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. http://search.proquest.com/docview/2413917558/
Doan, B. L., Conley, C., & Martinovic, D. (2020). District Research in a Nutshell. Retrieved from: http://mkn-rcm.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/District-Research-BD-CC-DM.pdf
Au, A., Askar, M., & Doan, B. (2019). Implementing and Mobilizing the Middle Years Development Instrument to Improve Equity and Educational Opportunities. Poster Presentation, American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, 2019.
Nesreen Elkord is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education, where she has been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in the Bachelor of Education, the MOLT, and the Master of Education programs. She is also a part-time faculty with the Faculty of Education, Psychology Department, and the Child and Youth Studies Department at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax and University of Western Ontario, teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs.
Dr. Elkord is currently employed as a Post-doctoral fellow working with the Department of Psychology in partnership with the Faculty of Nursing to develop an instructional learning program for nursing students, to improve their psychological preparedness and adaptation during healthcare crises.
Nesreen’s research interests focus on assisting newcomer and disadvantaged groups of students to succeed in the education system. She is also interested in pursuing research in the area of teachers’ intercultural competence to explore the potential to develop cross-cultural learning opportunities for pre-service and in-service teachers.
Dr. Elkord is open for engaging in research collaborations! Please feel free to send her an e-mail at nelkord@uwindsor.ca.
Select Publications:
- Elkord, N. (2019). Cross-Cultural Schooling Experiences of Arab Newcomer Students:
A Journey in Transition Between the East and the West. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Elkord, N. & Chaker, L. (2019). In Search of Healing in Transition: A Young Syrian Refugee’s Experience of Reconciliation through Civic Engagement. In Y. Daniel (ED.), Tikkun Beyond Borders: Connecting Youth Voices, Leading Change.
- Elkord, N. (2017). Schooling experiences of Arab immigrant students in Canadian high schools. In Braund, H., Coombs, A., Lester, B., MacGregor, S., Soleas, E., & Cheng, L. (Eds.), Graduate Student Symposium Selected Papers: Vol. 11. (pp. 35 – 48).
- Elkord, N. (2013). Putting experience into Praxis. Journal of Review of Higher Education and Self- Learning, 5(14), 71–78.
- Martinovic, D., & ElKord, N. (2018). Content leadership in mathematics education: A literature review 2. Report submitted to Mathematics Knowledge Network and the Ministry of Education.
- Martinovic, D., Horn-Olivito, H., & El Kord, N. (2017). Content leadership in mathematics education: A literature review. Report submitted to Mathematics Knowledge Network and the Ministry of Education.
- Elkord, N. (2012). Putting experience into praxis. In D. King, K. Dyer, & Reviewers Task Panel (Eds.), International Handbook of Academic Research and Teaching: Vol. 22. Proceedings of Intellectbase International Consortium (pp. 358). San Antonio, TX, USA.
- Elkord, N. (2012). Responsibility of the teacher. In M. Thomas (Eds.), A Child’s World: Working Together For a Better Future. Proceedings of A Child’s World International Conference (pp. 72). Aberystwyth, Wales, UK.
Research Interests:
Inclusive Education
Newcomer students’ education
Teachers’ intercultural competence
- Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies (Social, cultural, and political contexts of education), University of Windsor (2017)
- Master of Education (Curriculum Studies), MSVU (2002)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics), Dalhousie University (2000)
- Diploma in Child Psychology, ICS (1997)
Dr. John Freer is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education and the Department of Psychology at the University of Windsor, where he teaches primarily in the areas of educational psychology and special education. Dr. Freer is also a professor in the School of Community Studies at St. Clair College, where is coordinates the Educational Support program and helps to train students interested in pursuing a career in special education. Prior to his work in higher education, John worked in the K-12 education system as an educational assistant. Dr. Freer serves as an executive member of the Canadian Association of Educational Psychology, is a member of the Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education and is a Core Associate Member of the WE-Spark Health Institute.
Selected Publications:
Sagar, S., Freer, J. R. R., Ornstein, T. J., & Miller, C. J. (2024). Equal Access? Comparing accommodation and treatment experiences of racialized university students with attention problems and their white peers. Journal of Critical Race, Indigeneity, and Decolonization, 1(1), 40-58. https://ojs.uwindsor.ca/index.php/jcrid/issue/view/748
Somma, M., Freer, J., Shutterworth, M., & Bennett, S. (2024). Inclusive change St. Vincent and the Grenadines: A collaborative autoethnography. Exceptionality Education International, 34(1).
Freer, J. (2023). Students’ Attitudes toward Disability: A Systematic Literature Review (2012-2019). International Journal of Inclusive Education, 27(5), 652-670. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1866688
Freer, J. (2023). A picture is worth 1000 words: Examining students’ understanding of disability in definitions and drawings. Disability & Society, 38(3), 385-400. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2021.1942791
Freer, J. (2022). Assessing doctoral candidacy: The development of a self-assessment tool for comprehensive portfolios. Canadian Journal of Education, 45(3), 703-721. https://doi.org/10.53967/cje-rce.v45i3.5021
Freer, J. (2022). The Effects of the Tripartite Intervention on Students’ Attitudes toward Disability. Journal of Research in Special Education Needs, 22(1), 18-30. doi: 10.1111/1471-3802.12512
Freer, J. (2022). The Tripartite Intervention: Breaking down attitudinal barriers in education. Journal of Disability Studies in Education, 2, 50-76. doi: 10.1163/25888803-bja10006
Freer, J. & Kaefer, T. (2021). Experience matters: Educators’ attitudes toward disability in higher education. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 51(4), 54-66. https://journals.sfu.ca/cjhe/index.php/cjhe/article/view/189093/186509
Baker, N., Freer, J., Fujita, N., Higgison, A., Lubrick, M., Sabourin, B., . . . van Wyk, P. (2020). Online Instructor Development: A COOL story. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 13, 120-130. https://celt.uwindsor.ca/index.php/CELT/article/view/6011
Sabourin, B. M., Freer, J. R. R., Bobbie, I., Bumanlag, M., Derbyshire, A., Huntingford, L., & Sharma, S. (2020). Using Basecamp in student-staff partnerships to organize, communicate, and promote non-hierarchical leadership. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 6(1).
Freer, J. (2018). The Educators' Attitude toward Disability Scale (EADS): A pilot study. International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education, 65(6), 581- 598. doi: 10.1080/1034912X.2018.1426098
Freer, J. (2018). Pre-service educational assistants’ attitudes toward inclusion. Exceptionality Education International, 28(1) 68-85. Retrieved from https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/eei/vol28/iss1/4
Non-Reviewed Articles
Freer, J. (2023 January 4). The evolution toward inclusive education in Canada. Inclusive Education Canada. https://inclusiveeducation.ca/2023/01/04/the-evolution-toward-inclusive-education-in-canada-by-our-associate-john-freer/
Book Chapters:
Freer, J. (2023). Addressing Ableism in Schools with Disability Studies in Education Informed Pedagogies. In Harper, M. & Rao, A. (Eds.), The role of an education assistant: Supporting inclusion (2nd ed., pp. 4-22). Canadian Scholars.
Research Interests:
- Inclusive Education
- Disability Studies in Education
- Attitudes toward inclusion and disability
- Anti-Ableism
Courses Taught:
- Undergraduate:
- DISB 3020- Historical Approaches to People with Disabilities
- PSYC 1150- Introduction to Psychology as a Behavioural Science
- PSYC 1160- Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science
- Preservice Education:
- EDUC 5203- Educational Psychology
- EDUC 5204- Differentiated Instruction for Students with Special Education Needs
- EDUC 5208- Assessment & Evaluation
- EDUC 5499- Field Practicum
- Graduate:
- EDUC 5534- Special Education and Language Acquisition
- EDUC 8795- Final Project Seminar
- Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies (Cognition & Learning), University of Windsor (2020)
- Master of Education (Curriculum Studies), University of Windsor (2015)
- Bachelor of Education (Primary-Junior Division), University of Windsor (2013)
- Honours Bachelor of Arts (Disability Studies), University of Windsor (2012)
- College Diploma (Educational Assistant), St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology (2009)
Dr. Nobuko Fujita is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education and a Learning Specialist in the Office of Open Learning (OOL) at the University of Windsor. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship on a large-scale ICT project funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Dr. Fujita’s research interests focus on evidence-informed design of online and digital learning in higher education contexts. For the past decade, she has collaborated closely with faculty, staff, student partners, and the OOL team to develop accessible, inclusive, and engaging courses, programs, and open educational resources funded by the Government of Ontario and eCampusOntario grants. In addition to teaching preservice and graduate courses, Dr. Fujita facilitates formal and informal professional development opportunities at the University, such as courses in the Humanizing Digital Learning Micro-Program. She also chairs the Dr. Alan Wright Award for Exemplary Digital Teaching, provides leadership and support in curriculum development to various departments, and serves as an elected representative-at-large on Senate. In the community, Dr. Fujita volunteers with the Windsor-Essex Pony Club and is a registered NCCP coach working towards the Equestrian Canada Licensed Coach Status.
- PhD (Education), OISE/University of Toronto
- MA (English Literature), Queen’s University
- BA (English Literature), University of British Columbia
- BSc (Biopsychology), University of British Columbia
Courses Taught
- Preservice Courses
- EDUC 5414 – Language and Media Literacy (P/J)
- EDUC 5424 – Language and Media Literacy (J/I)
- Graduate Courses
- EDUC 8001 – Research in Education
- EDUC 8510 – ICT for Teaching and Learning
Selected Refereed Publications
Cacciamani, S., Perrucci, V., Fujita, N. (2021). Promoting students' collective cognitive responsibility through concurrent, embedded, and transformative assessment in blended higher education courses, Technology, Knowledge, and Learning, 26(3), 1169-1194. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-021-09535-0
Fujita, N. (2020). Transforming online teaching and learning: towards learning design informed by information science and learning sciences. Information and Learning Sciences, 121(7/8), 503-511. https://doi.org/10.1108/ILS-04-2020-0124
Baker, N., Freer, J., Fujita, N., Higgison, A., Lubrick, M., Sabourin, B. M., Sylvester, J., & van Wyk, P. M. (2020). Playing it COOL: Stories from a New Professional Development Program. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching. 13 (2020), 120-130. https://doi.org/10.22329/celt.v13i0.6011
Kenny, N. A.; Popovic, C., McSweeney, J., Hoessler, C., Knorr, K., Hall, S., Fujita, N., & El Khoury, E. (2017). Drawing on the principles of SoTL to illuminate a path forward for the scholarship of educational development, Canadian Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2017. https://doi.org/10.5206/cjsotl-rcacea.2017.2.10
Cacciamani, S., Cesareni, D., and Fujita, N. (2015). Role taking and knowledge building in a blended university course. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. 10 (4), 9-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11412-015-9224-0
Chiu, M. M. & Fujita, N. (2014). Statistical Discourse Analysis: A method for modeling online discussion processes. Journal of Learning Analytics, 1(3). 61-83. https://doi.org/10.18608/jla.2014.13.5
Anoop Gupta is a social scientist and philosopher, appointed as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, and instructor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Windsor, Canada. His research spans several areas: Reason and rationality in human existence, embodiment in the cognitive sciences, and a cultural philosophy of life—he constructs his ideas about the world based on studies of it, archival research, and his experiences. Gupta is the author of: Kierkegaard’s Romantic Legacy: Two Theories of the Self (University of Ottawa Press, 2005), A Common Link: Meaning-Making in Algebra and the Visual Arts (AV Academikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2012), Heidegger and Moral Realism (Pickwick, 2015), and articles across disciplines and in several countries.
He obtained a doctorate in Educational Studies from the University of Windsor and earned a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Ottawa.
Graduate Courses Taught
- EDUC.8003/Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
- EDUC.8005/Theories of Educational Administration
- EDUC.8350/Organizational Behaviour in Educational Institutions
- PSYC.8501/History and Philosophy of Psychology
- EDUC.8650/Sociological Aspects of Education
- EDUC.8910/Philosophy of Education
- EDUC.8930/Educational Research Internship
- SWRK.9740/Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research
- SWRK.9741/Qualitative Data Analysis
Undergraduate Courses Taught
- 114/Introduction to Logic
- PSYC.1150/Introduction of Psychology/Behavioural Science
- PSYC.2280/Abnormal Psychology (declined)
- PSYC.3240/Educational Psychology
- 05.80.340/Projects
- PSYC.3550/Comparative Psychology
- PSYC.3580/Cognitive Processes
- PSYC.4150/History of and System of Psychology
- EDUC.4200/Theories of Individual and Collective Learning
- PSYC.4240/Advanced Developmental Psychology: Social Development
- EDUC.5201/Foundations of Practice I: Philosophical Orientation to Education
- EDUC.5202/Foundations of Practice II: Classroom Practice
- EDUC.5203/Educational Psychology
- EDUC.5205/Educational Foundations, Law and Ethics
- EDUC.5209/Issues in Education
- EDUC.5210/Foundations of Practice III: Law and Ethics – School Governance
- EDUC.5337/Science Teaching Methodology
- EDUC.5499/Practicum (yrs. 1-2)
Recent Publications
- (in press) Thinking gone wild: Metacognition, obsessive-compulsive disorder and cognitive behavioural therapy. In J. L. McConnell-Farmer (Ed.), Metacognition: New ways to think and learn (pp. ?-?). Cambridge Scholars Press.
- (2023) Is academics inclusive? Race and Pedagogy Journal: Teaching and Learning for Justice, 6(1), 1-27.
- (2021) Localizing the global: A cognitive science model of educating children from different geographic regions. In J. L. McConnell-Farmer (Ed.), World of children: Perceptions and connections in sustainability with reflections during the pandemic (pp. 11-23). Linton Atlantic. https://publications.hse.ru/en/books/519006569
- (2021) Kierkegaard and/or embodiment. Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities, 2(8), 21-28.
- (2019) Benacerraf’s dilemma: The relationship between metaphysics and epistemology. In P. Cook (Ed.), Discovering educational trends (Vol. 3, pp. 242-263). Cambridge Scholars. https://www.cambridgescholars.com/resources/pdfs/978-1-5275-3804-7-sample.pdf
- (2019) Revising the indispensability argument. Pragmatism Today: The Journal of the Central-European Pragmatist Forum, 10(2), 40-51. https://www.pragmatismtoday.eu/winter2019/Pragmatism_Today_Volume10_Issue2_Winter2019.pdf
- (2019) The truth about realism: Natural realism, many worlds, and global m-realism. Philosophia, 47(5), 1487-1499. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11406-019-00060-0
- (2018) A psychological accounting of a modern luddite: Ted Kaczynski a.k.a. the Unabomber. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Research Study, 2(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.31031/PPRS.2018.02.000526
- (2018). Some dangers of applying research in social work practice. Journal of Progressive Human Services: Radical Thought & Praxis, 30(3), 83-196. https://doi.org/10.1080/10428232.2018.1474670
Yishin Khoo is a Canadian Chinese educator and researcher with a Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education from OISE/University of Toronto. She also holds a Master’s degree in International Educational Development from Teachers College, Columbia University, and an Honours Bachelor’s degree in International Development and Anthropology from the University of Toronto.
Yishin's passion lies in integrating Eastern wisdom traditions into modern education for personal and planetary healing. Her research focuses on contemplative pedagogy, intercultural reciprocal learning and knowledge-system collaboration in global citizenship and sustainability education. Trained in the Buddhist mindfulness tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, Yishin values building regenerative communities and fostering connections with nature through practicing mindfulness meditation, gardening and cooking.
Dr. Erika Kustra is the Associate Vice President at the University of Windsor, Adjunct in the Faculty of Education, and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology. She completed her post-doctoral work in physiological psychology at McMaster University. For the past 30 years, Dr. Kustra has taught university-level small and large classes (6 to over 300 students) using a variety of active learning methods including discussions, inquiry and problem-based learning, and labs and demonstrations and is currently primarily teaching in the University Teaching Certificate. She has been an educational developer for over 25 years, running workshops and courses on teaching and learning at the university level and supporting institutional enhancement of quality teaching and learning, and was Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning for 15 years. She has facilitated over 350 workshops, presentations and sessions; designed and taught courses and programs on teaching in Higher Education; and received a national award for teaching and leadership. Erika has led multi-institutional research projects including SSHRC and ministry-funded research on university teaching culture, whether the institution values teaching. She has completed a research project exploring educational developers supporting the Indigenization of curriculum in universities and is currently part of a SSHRC Partnership Development grant exploring the Indigenization initiatives in three institutions. She co-authored over 45 guides, articles, and reports on the teaching and learning in higher education.
Sample Refereed Publications
**=Student author
- **Shaw, L., **MacDougall, H., Goff, L., Ellis, D., Kustra, E., Law, M., & Taylor, L. , (2023). Valuing teaching: Exploring how a university's strategic documents reflect institutional teaching culture, International Journal for Academic Development, https://doi.org/10.1080/1360144X.2023.2200761
- Raffoul, J., **Ward, J., Calvez, S., **Kartolo, A., Haque, A., Holmes, T., Attas, R., Kechego, J., Kustra, E., & **Mooney, J. (2022). Institutional structures and individual stories: Experiences from the front lines of Indigenous educational development in higher education. AlterNative. 18(1): 163-172. https://doi.org/10.1177/1177180121106261
- Skene, A., Winer, L., & Kustra, E. (2022). Clouds in the Silver Lining: Ethical Considerations in Learning Analytics. International Journal of Academic Development.1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360144X.2022.2099208
- **Shaw, L., Grose, J. Kustra, E., Goff, L., Ellis, D., & Borin, P. (2021). Cultivating an institutional culture that values teaching: Developing a repository of effective practices. To Improve the Academy. 40(1): 131-156. https://doi.org/10.3998/tia.962
- **Roy, J., **Chittle, L., **Ismail, E., & Kustra, E. (2021). Students as partners within a Centre for Teaching and Learning: A qualitative analysis of challenges and benefits. International Journal for Academic Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360144X.2021.1964970
- Popovic, C. & Kustra, E. (2020). The challenges and benefits of an online conference: Lessons learned. ZETH Learning and Teaching Journal. 2(2): 342-346.
Dr. Vanessa Mio-Quiring is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor within the Faculty of Education and the Music Education (Continuing Education) departments at the University of Windsor. She is also the Director of the University of Windsor Lab School: Strings program in Windsor, Ontario, the String Discipline Specialist for the Royal Conservatory of Music College of Examiners, and a violinist with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra. Dr. Mio-Quiring completed a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies degree (with a focus on violin pedagogy) from the University of Windsor. Dr. Mio-Quiring also earned a Master of Music, a Bachelor of Music, and a Performance Diploma in Violin Performance from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music where she studied violin with Mimi Zweig, Kathleen Winkler, Baroque violin with Stanley Ritchie, and string pedagogy with Mimi Zweig and Dr. Brenda Brenner. Dr. Mio-Quiring’s passion for teaching was sparked at Indiana University where she was appointed as an Associate Instructor with the Indiana University String Academy from 2005-2008.
As a performer, pedagogue, and scholar, Dr. Mio-Quiring is passionate about teacher training and string education research. She was awarded a prestigious Insight Development Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) for her current research investigating how young string students engage in a specialized string curriculum to determine cognitive and physiological reactions, and various social and emotional developments within a group context. She was also awarded a SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship where she investigated the remedial teaching strategies of postsecondary violin instructors. She has presented her research at provincial and international conferences (including the International Society for Music Education, the American String Teachers’ Association, the Indiana Music Education Association, the Ontario Music Educators’ Association, and the Canadian Society for the Study of Education). Dr. Mio-Quiring has recently published articles in the Canadian Music Educator Journal, American String Teacher Journal, The Recorder (Quarterly Journal of the Ontario Music Educators’ Association), International Journal of Music Education, and Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. Through her current research interests, Dr. Mio-Quiring hopes to contribute significantly to the field of string pedagogy as the scope of her research expands.
Informed by her research and teaching activities, Dr. Mio-Quiring developed the first string pedagogy course offered to music performance and education majors in Canada at both Western University (graduate and undergraduate) and Wilfrid Laurier University (undergraduate), and developed a new violin/viola group string instruction course for undergraduate music education students at Western. Dr. Mio-Quiring has also recently developed three innovative Instrumental (Strings) Additional Qualification courses (offered through the Ontario College of Teachers) for elementary and secondary music educators across Ontario.
Dr. Mio-Quiring has pursued a variety of professional development opportunities and has become a sought-after clinician, teacher, and adjudicator. Dr. Mio-Quiring is a String Examiner for The Royal Conservatory of Music, College of Examiners, and has traveled extensively throughout North America as an Ambassador for the Certificate Program. She has also adjudicated many festivals across Canada, including the upper string division of the Ontario Music Festivals Association Provincial Competition in May of 2017. Dr. Mio-Quiring has taught at the Nova Scotia Suzuki Violin Institute in Halifax, NS, attended the Starling-DeLay Symposium for Violin Studies at The Juilliard School, participated in a workshop led by Brian Lewis at the Southwestern Ontario Suzuki Institute, and attended a Retreat for Violin and Viola Teachers at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.
Dr. Mio-Quiring has spent summers touring with the National Youth Orchestra of Canada; participating in the Casalmaggiore International Festival in Italy; teaching in Tuscany for a Professional Teachers Workshop alongside Mimi Zweig; and studying at the Banff Centre for the Arts with the Très Chic Piano Trio (Chamber Music Residency for Pre-Formed Ensembles). Dr. Mio-Quiring has also performed with the Penderecki String Quartet and the Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Orchestra.
Dr. Mio-Quiring is a member of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM), Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators’ Association (CMFAA), Ontario Music Educators’ Association (OMEA), Canadian Music Educators’ Association (CMEA), American String Teachers Association (ASTA), the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA), and the International Society for Music Education (ISME).
Publications (selected):
Mio, V., & Brenner, B. (2022). Unlearning and relearning: Adolescent students perspectives on transitioning to a new teacher and environment. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 1 – 9. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/87551233221095051
Bayley, J. G., & Mio, V. (2020). An investigation of Canadian undergraduate music education students’ personal and professional experiences during a three-month residency in China. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 14(2), 1–17. doi: https://doi.org/10.22329/jtl.v14i2.6319
Mio, V. (2020). Remedial strategies in violin instruction: Body awareness and bow technique. Canadian Music Educator, 62(2), 29–37.
Mio, V. (2020). Instrumental strings: New additional qualification courses for Ontario music educators. The Recorder: The Journal of the Ontario Music Educators’ Association, 61(2), 20–23.
Mio, V. (2019). It’s all about the bow!; Strategies for teaching bow technique in elementary string classrooms. The Recorder: The Journal of the Ontario Music Educators’ Association (Special Issue: OMEA’s 100th Anniversary), 62, 61–65.
Mio, V. (2019). The remedial process: In interview with Mimi Zweig. American String Teacher, 64(4), 29–32. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/0003131319871453
Mio, V. (2019). The need for remedial pedagogy in undergraduate violin instruction: A case study of postsecondary instructors’ perceptions. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 37(3), 36–45. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/8755123319826243
Mio, V. (2017). An investigation of postsecondary violin instructors’ remedial pedagogy: A case study. International Journal of Music Education, 36(2), 297–308. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/0255761417731439
- PhD (Educational Studies – focus on Music Education), University of Windsor, Canada
- Performance Diploma (Violin), Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, United States
- MMus (Violin Performance), Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, United States
- BMus (Violin Performance), Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, United States
Courses Taught at University of Windsor:
Preservice Courses:
- Visual Arts Methodology (P/J)
- Visual Arts Methodology (J/I)
- Music Methodology (P/J)
- Music Methodology (I/S)
- Pedagogy of the Arts (J/I)
- Service Learning – The String Project: Music for Social Change (P/J/I/S)
Additional Qualification (AQ) Courses:
Instrumental Music (Strings) Part 1
Instrumental Music (Strings) Part 2
Instrumental Music (Strings) Specialist
Danielle Sirek is Arts Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Arts Education at Western University; and Adjunct Associate Professor at University of Windsor. Her program of research is primarily focused on arts teacher education; sociology of music education; and intersections between music education and ethnomusicology. Her research is published in journals such as the International Journal for Music Education, the International Journal of Education & the Arts, and Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education; and has been presented at conferences in a variety of disciplines including the International Society for Music Education (ISME), the International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education (ISSME), the International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA), the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
In addition to her scholarly work, Dr. Sirek sings professionally with the JUNO-nominated Canadian Chamber Choir and with local ensembles in London, Ontario. She is also Associate Artistic Director for the Windsor Choral Festival and conductor with the Amabile Choirs of London.
Graduate Supervision at University of Windsor:
Dayna Haslam (M.Ed.). An investigation of the self-efficacy development of newly hired occasional teachers in southwestern Ontario. Co-supervisor, successfully defended September 2021.
Graduate Committee Work at University of Windsor:
Anneke McCabe (Ph.D.). Doctoral committee member, 2021-present.
Courses Taught at University of Windsor:
Preservice Courses:
- Music Methodology (P/J)
- Music Methodology (J/I)
- Pedagogy of the Arts (J/I)
- Pedagogy of the Arts (I/S)
- Drama Methodology (P/J)
- Music Teachable I (Vocal)
Graduate Courses:
- Special Topics: Language Assessment (M.Ed.)
- Theories and Approaches to Language Instruction and Acquisition (M.Ed.)
Bachelor of Music Courses (School of Creative Arts):
- Critical Issues in Music Education
- Seminar in Elementary Music Education
- Introduction to Ethnomusicology
Additional Qualification (AQ) Courses:
- Intermediate/Senior Vocal Music, Part 1
- Intermediate/Senior Vocal Music, Part 2
- Intermediate/Senior Vocal Music, Specialist
Recent Publications (selected):
For a full list of publications, please visit http://www.daniellesirek.ca/.
Sirek, D. & Sefton, T. (2023, online first). Becoming the music teacher: Stories of generalist teaching and teacher education in music, before and during the pandemic. International Journal of Music Education. http://doi.org/10.1177/02557614231163266
Sirek, D. (2023). Editorial: Social Media for Good or Evil in Music Learning & Teaching. Action, Criticism, & Theory for Music Education, 22(4), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.22176/act22.4.1
Sirek, D. & Sefton, T. (2023). “And the music room door was just shut”: Practicum, professional development, and possibility for preservice and in-service generalist teachers teaching music. Canadian Music Educators’ Association Journal, 64(4), 28-34. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ntEkPDvxYPBJR2CvBnOgMT95lZgSaKQV/view
Mantie, R., Bayley, J., Veblen, K.K., Allstaff, K., & Sirek, D. (2023). Considering musical communities online and offline: A dedication to the life and work of Janice Waldron (April 13, 1957 - November 7, 2022). International Journal of Community Music, 16(1), 113-123. https://doi.org/10.1386/ijcm_00078_1
Sirek, D., Waldron, J., Cowan, S., Simpson, R. (2023). MayDay Colloquium: Social Media for Good or Evil in Music Learning & Teaching. Canadian Winds 21(2), 12-15.
Sefton, T.G. & Sirek, D. (2023). Identity, memory, and performance in the time of pandemic: A duoethnography. Visions of Research in Music Education, 41(1), 1-14. https://opencommons.uconn.edu/vrme/vol41/iss1/6/
- PhD (Music Education & Ethnomusicology), Royal Northern College of Music, UK
- Postgraduate Certificate in Research Training, Newcastle University, UK
- MMus (Music Education), University of Toronto, Canada
- BMus, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada