male female looking at screen for robot

Autonomous Intelligent Robotic Center (AIRC)

The University of Windsor’s Autonomous Intelligent Robotics Center (AIRC) was established to collaborate with industrial research and development to train high-quality personnel (HQP) for a career in automobile production, advanced manufacturing, and agri-tech. AIRC attaches great importance to conducting quality research in emerging technologies, including:

  • Autonomous mobile robots
  • Machine learning and computer vision 
  • Vehicular communication
  • Edge and cloud computing
  • Human-robot interaction
  • Robotic-intensive automation
  • Augmented and virtual reality
  • Robotic pollinator and harvester


Research Areas

  • Robot Learning using Generative AI
  • Robot Learning from Demonstration
  • Human-robot interaction
  • Augmented reality for advanced manufacturing
  • Collaborative robots
  • Connected and autonomous robots
  • Distributed and Intelligent Computing
  • Security and safety in robotics

Research Equipment 

Events & News 




To get involved with the Autonomous Intelligence Robotic Center

Contact: Dr. Shahpour Alirezaee
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering 
519-253-3000, Ext. 3886


Mechatronics Lab
Room 1177
E.D. Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation (CEI)
2285 Wyandotte St W, Windsor, ON N9B 1K3