Dr. Carlin J. Miller


Clinical Neuropsychology

ADHD and Related Impulse Control Disorders, Mindfulness

Department of Psychology
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada

Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 2226
Office: Room 193 Chrysler Hall South

Profile photo of Dr Carlin J Miller

About Me

I am a Professor in the Department of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology area) at the University of Windsor. I have a secondary appointment to the Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience Program (a joint effort by the Departments of Psychology and Biological Sciences). I hope the information on this website answers many of your questions about the services I offer, my research or the experiences of my students. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me. If you want the official version of my career, please see my CV below (current to June 2023).

Download Dr Carlin J. Miller's CV

As a developmental neuropsychologist, my focus is on how to promote resiliency and wellness in the context of the symptoms, behaviours, and disorders that affect children and adolescents. I also use a systems perspective in examining neurobiological disorders. Thus, I consider families, schools, peers, and communities as important contributors to long-term outcomes. This combination of perspectives reflects my academic training and professional experiences.

On a personal level, I love the flexibility of the academic life. I enjoy teaching, but my passion is for the research process. I enjoy collaborating with students and with peers at other institutions, both in Canada and internationally. The hardest part for me is finding some balance between my passions at work and my delight with my family. When not at work, I enjoy traveling with my family and cuddling with my dogs at home.

Photo of Dr Carlin Miller

Education & Academics

  • Bachelor of Arts, Washington and Lee University (Lexington, VA). This was a formative part of my development. In short, if I had not been actively well-mentored by David Elmes and Tyler Lorig, I would not be an academic today. When I arrived, I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. Despite some significant wandering from major to major, I became entranced with the brain and human behaviours.
  • Master of Education (Special Education: Learning Disabilities), Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN). I completed a master's degree at Vanderbilt University in Special Education (Focus in Learning Disabilities). While there, I worked for Lynn and Doug Fuchs on their Peer Assisted Learning Strategies projects.
  • Teaching in a public school. I taught for two years in a resource classroom for children with mild to moderate learning problems (largely learning disabilities, ADHD, and intellectual disability) in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (School Psychology Program, Developmental Neuropsychology Focus), University of Georgia (Athens, GA). I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Georgia under the mentorship of Dr. George W. Hynd, a noted pediatric neuropsychologist. The focus of my dissertation project was on familial dyslexia, particularly in the transmission of phonological processing, rapid naming, and internalizing symptoms across generations. I completed year-long capstone internships in both School Psychology and Pediatric Neuropsychology.
  • Post-doctoral Fellowship. I was a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Jeffrey M. Halperin at Queens College, City University of New York and Mount Sinai School of Medicine. My work with Dr. Halperin was focused on ADHD, particularly in the persistence/remittance of externalizing disorders, temperament and personality, and long-term comorbidities of ADHD.


Books I Love 

Several year ago, a potential student asked me what books inform my approach to work and life. It was such a great question that I now use the question whenever I’m trying to get to know someone. In case you are curious, here’s a list of my favourite 10 books in my particular order (actually, it is more than 10 but that’s how I am and the list is only current to June 2024):

  1. Noise: Flaw in Human Judgement by Sunstein, Kahneman, & Sibery

Danny Kahneman is one of my intellectual heroes and I think this is his best and most informative book. Because I had listened to so many podcasts interviewing him, I could hear his voice in my head when I read this book.

  1. The Llama Llama books

These are children’s books, another passion for me. I love the rhythm of the language, the earnestness of the love between the mother and child, and the beautiful colours in the illustrations.

  1. My Life in Five Senses and The Four Tendencies both by Gretchen Rubin.

I love all of Gretchen Rubin’s books, but these are my favourite. They inform my research and my approach to all relationships, including mentoring. She is, quite simply, the best science digesting popular press author working today.

  1. The Hobbit by Tolkien

This is truly the greatest work of fiction ever, in my opinion. It has everything I love --- an unlikely hero, magic, and a great journey leading to home.  

  1. Gateau: The Surprising Simplicity of French Cakes by Crapanzano

I love to bake, and I am currently working my way through the chapter on nut cakes. This is such a beautiful book and I have yet to find a recipe that isn’t amazing.

  1. Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less by Klotz

I first heard this author on a podcast, and I thought he was just brilliant. As someone who is always looking for easier ways to do what I do, this book really speaks to me.

  1. The Dog Who Wouldn’t Be by Mowat

This book stretches back to my mother’s childhood which she then shared with me. I’m always keen for a story with a dog at the centre of it, and this one is truly excellent.

  1. Wherever You Go, There You Are by Kabat-Zinn

I meditate more days that not. This book is the one I return to when I feel like my practice needs a boost. It is an easy read but not an easy path.

  1. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing & Life by Lamott

Sometimes I struggle with setting priorities when competing demands are noisy. I love to write and I can be hard on myself when I don’t prioritize that time. This book is such a good reminder of how I can be a successful writer.

  1. A Handful of Quiet by Thich Nhat Hahn

This is another children’s book and it explains meditation more clearly than any other book I have ever read.