PDC130405A: April 5, 2013

NOTICE OF MEETING There will be a meeting of the PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE April 5, 2013 at 1:00pm-3:00pm in Room 203 Health and Education Centre


Formal Business
1 Approval of Agenda
2 Minutes of meeting of March 15, 2013
3 Business arising from the minutes
4 Outstanding Business
5 Reports/New Business
Items for Approval
5.1 Articulation Agreement - BA or BSW degree and Early Childhood Education Diploma -Extended to all CAATs with Revisions (Minor Program Change) PDC130405-5.1 Dr. S. Towson Dr. L. Kulisek
5.2 Articulation Agreement - BA or BSW degree and Developmental Services Worker Diploma -Extended to all CAATs with Revisions(Minor Program Change) PDC130405-5.2
5.3 Articulation Agreement - BA or BSW degree and Child and Youth Worker Diploma -Extended to all CAATs with Revisions (Minor Program Change) PDC130405-5.3
5.4 Articulation Agreement - BA or BSW degree and Social Services Worker Diploma -Extended to all CAATs with Revisions (Minor Program Change) PDC130405-5.4
5.5 Appendices (for items 5.1-5.4) PDC130405-5.5
*5.6 Liberal and Professional Studies - Name Change PDC130405-5.6 Dr. R. Amore
*5.7 Odette School of Business - Admission Requirements PDC130405-5.7
*5.8 Science (Computer Science) Minor in Applied Information Technology (Minor Program Change) PDC130405-5.8
*5.9 FASS (LLC) - New Course Proposals PDC130405-5.9 PDC130405-5.9.1 Dr. D. Lage
5.9.1 Minor in Jewish Studies (Minor Program Change)  
*5.10 FASS (Political Science) Certificate in North American Studies (Minor Program Change) PDC130405-5.10
*5.11 Interfaculty - BAS Minor Concentration in Linguistics and Literature (Minor Program Change) PDC130405-5.11
*5.12 Summary of Minor Course and Calendar Changes PDC130405-5.12
*5.12.3Social Work
*5.12.4LLC (Jewish Studies)
Items for Approval (IN CAMERA)
5.13 Computer Science UPR 2nd Annual Status Report Ms. G. Ebbett
5.14 Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology UPR 3rd Annual Status Report
Additional Business
6 Question Period/Other Business
7 Adjournment