Friday, December 14, 2012

1 Approval of the Agenda
1.1 Unstarring Agenda Items
2 Approval of the minutes of meeting of November 9, 2012,
3 Business arising from the minutes
4 Outstanding Business/Action Items
5 Reports/New Business
5.1 Report from Student Caucus (UWSA, OPUS, GSS)
5.2 Report of the President
5.3 Report of the Academic Colleague Martha Lee
5.4 Program Development Committee
*5.4.1 Program/Course Changes Lionel Walsh-Approval
*a) Social Work (Graduate) Sa121109-5.4.1a
*b) Sociology (Graduate) Sa121109-5.4.1b
5.4.2 MFA in Film and Media Arts Lionel Walsh-Approval Sa121109-5.4.2
5.5 Academic Policy Committee  
5.5.1 Examination Booklets Rick Caron-Approval Sa121109-5.5.1
5.5.2 Undergraduate Policy - Revision Rick Caron-Approval Sa121109-5.5.2
5.6 Senate Student Committee
5.7 Bylaw Business
5.7.1 Bylaw Revisions (Bylaw 2, 16 33) Dietmar Lage-Approval Sa121109-5.7.1
5.8 Report of the Provost
5.9 Report of the Vice-President Research
6 Question Period/Other Business
7 Adjournment