APC120928A: September 28, 2012


There will be a meeting of the Academic Policy Committee on September 28, 2012 at 2:30pm-4:30pm in Room 203 Toldo  AGENDA  

Formal Business
1 Approval of Agenda
2 Minutes of meeting of May 10, 2012
3 Business arising from the minutes
4 Outstanding Business
5 Reports/New Business
5.1 Academic Policy Committee Mandate and Meetings Schedule APC120928-5.1 Dr. R. Caron
Items for Approval
5.2 Issues for Consideration APC120928-5.2

5.2.1  Merging Student Committee and Academic Policy Committee (Background Information) APC120928-5.2.1 Dr. R. Caron
5.3 Policy on University Access to Student Emails and Disclosure (Bylaw 33) APC120928-5.3 Dr. C. Smith
5.4 Student Medical Certificate - Nurse Practioner APC120928-5.4 Dr. C. Thrasher
5.5 New Beginning Policy - Revision APC120928-5.5

5.6 Undergraduate Calendar Policy - Revision APC120928-5.6

5.7 Examination Booklets - Revision   (Sample of Exam Booklet) APC120928-5.7 Ms. L. Grondin
Additional Business
6 Question Period/Other Business/Open Discussion
6.1 Class Size and Enrolment Manage
7 Adjournment