Free session to train UWindsor employees in website management system

A free class for UWindsor employees will instruct them in the basics of the University’s website content management system.

A free class Tuesday, Oct. 22, will teach the basics of the Drupal content management system to staff and faculty responsible for maintaining UWindsor websites.

Website Basic Training will show site editors how to create pages and events, upload graphics, and use menus and blocks, says instructor Rob Aitkens, web development team lead in Information Technology Services.

He will also cover University and legislative guidelines for posting content.

The class is required for all employees responsible for maintaining UWindsor websites and is valuable for those with little previous experience with the system, for those upgrading their sites from version 6 to 7, or as a refresher. It will run 1:30 to 4 p.m. in G101, Leddy Library. Registration is required through this online form.