Sa140606: June 6, 2014

There will be a meeting of the Senate
on, Friday, June 6, 2014, at 2:30 p.m.
Room 203 in the Anthony P. Toldo Health Education Centre
Monday, June 9, 2014 at 9:00am-11:00am, in Room 203.
***Also see 3 new starred items for information 5.5.6, 5.5.7, 5.5.8***
Memorial - remembering those students, faculty and staff who have contributed to the academic life of the university and who have passed away during the past year
1    Approval of Agenda (Unstarring agenda items)
2    Minutes of the meetings of May 9, 2014                                                                                       SM140509                                
3    Business arising from the minutes
4    Outstanding Business/Action Items
      4.1       Candidates for Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates                                        Alan Wildeman-Approval
5    Reports/New Business
      5.1       Report from the Student Presidents                                                                        UWSA-Information
                  (UWSA, OPUS, GSS)                                                                                                    OPUS-Information
      5.2       Report of the President                                                                                              Alan Wildeman
      5.3       Report of the Academic Colleague                                                                                Philip Dutton
      5.4       Senate Student Caucus                                                                                                      Ziad Kobti
      5.5       Program Development Committee (Link to May 8, PDC Agenda)
                  5.5.1 Nursing (BScN) Degree Completion Program for Graduates                        Lionel Walsh-Approval
                           of the Lambton College Practical Nursing Program                                               Sa140606-5.5.1
                  *5.5.2   Changes to all FAHSS Combined Honours Programs                                Lionel Walsh-Approval
                  *5.5.3   Program Course Changes                                                                        Lionel Walsh-Approval
                              *a)     Education-New Course Proposals Masters of Education                                     Sa140606-5.5.3a
                                       International Cohort - Graduate                                                                                     
                              *b)     Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology – New Course Proposals                     Sa140606-5.5.3b
                              *c)     Education – New Course Proposals                                                                Sa140606-5.5.3c
                              *d)     General Bachelor of Computer Science – Minor Program Changes                       Sa140606-5.5.3d
                              *e)     Certificate in Labour Studies – Minor Program Changes                                     Sa140606-5.5.3e
                              *f)      School of Dramatic Art – Minor Program Changes                                            Sa140606-5.5.3f
                              *g)     Disability Studies Degree Completion Programs for CAAT Diploma Graduates        Sa140606-5.5.3g
                              *h)     BA/BSW and Social Services Worker Articulation Agreement – Minor                   Sa140606-5.5.3h
                                       Program Change
                              *i)      School of Creative Arts - New Course Proposals                                               Sa140606-5.5.3i
                              *j)      French Studies – Minor Program Change                                                        Sa140606-5.5.3j
                              *k)     Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering                Sa140606-5.5.3k
                                       Co-op Admissions – Minor Program Changes
                              *l)      Civil and Environmental engineering Articulation Agreement with                        Sa140606-5.5.3l
                                       St. Clair College Minor Program Change
                              *m)    Concurrent Honours Biological Sciences with/without Thesis – Bachelor              Sa140606-5.5.3m
                                       of Education Minor Program Changes
                              *n)     Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology – New Course Proposal - Graduate       Sa140606-5.5.3n
                              *o)     Inter-Faculty Programs – New Course Proposal                                                 Sa140606-5.5.3o
                              *p)     Bachelor of Forensic Science – Minor Program Change                                      Sa140606-5.5.3p
                              *q)     Economics – New Course Proposals                                                               Sa140606-5.5.3q
                  *5.5.4   Undergraduate Program Review Annual Status Reports                       Lionel Walsh-Information
                  5.5.5    Education Name Change                                                                           Lionel Walsh-Approval
                 *5.5.6   Program Learning Outcomes – Sociology, Anthropology,                     Lionel Walsh-Information
                             Criminology, Family and Social Relations                                                             Sa140606-5.5.6            
                 *5.5.7   Program Learning Outcomes - Graduate - Sociology                             Lionel Walsh-Information
                             Anthropology and Criminology                                                                             Sa140606-5.5.7
                   *5.5.8  Admission to the Three-Year General BA in Dramatic Art                     Lionel Walsh-Information

      5.6  Academic Policy Committee                                                                                                             

                  5.6.1 Board of Governors In-Course Medals & Calculation of Averages                     Rick Caron-Approval
                 *5.6.2   Standing Required for Graduation for Business Programs                           Rick Caron-Approval
      5.7       Committee Membership
                  5.7.1 Senate Standing Committee Membership                                                 Alan Wildeman-Approval
      5.8       Bylaw Business                                                                                                                                             
                  5.8.1 Revised Bylaws 20, 22, 23                                                                              Rick Caron-Approval
      5.9       Report of the Provost                                                                                                                Bob Orr
      5.10     Report of Vice-President, Research and Innovation                                                      K W Michael Siu
6    Question Period/Other Business
7    Adjournment           
Please carefully review the ‘starred’ (*) agenda items.  As per the June 3, 2004 Senate meeting, ‘starred’ item will not be discussed during a scheduled meeting unless a member specifically requests that a ‘starred’ agenda item be ‘unstarred’, and therefore open for discussion/debate. This can be done any time before (by forwarding the request to the secretary) or during the meeting. By the end of the meeting, agenda items which remain ‘starred’ (*) will be deemed approved or received.