Quorum and Limits of Participation by Videoconference or Teleconference (Senate Bylaw 2, I and Bylaw 40, 5)


Quorum and Limits of Participation by Videoconference or Teleconference
(Senate Bylaw 2, I and Bylaw 40, 5)

List of University of Windsor Senate Bylaws

At the discretion of the Chair, members may participate by videoconference and are counted towards quorum. There are limits to the number of individuals that can participate by videoconference. Where videoconferencing has been permitted by the Chair, individuals requesting videoconferencing participation must submit a strong rationale for not being able to attend in person and approvals are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Teleconference participation is only permitted for student reps and only during the months of May-August. In the case of secret ballot votes, members participating remotely waive their right to anonymity but may submit their vote in confidence to the recording secretary.

If you have any questions regarding this topic or a related matter, your first point of contact is Renée Wintermute, the University Secretary.


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