Nov 2nd, 2021
Monday, Nov. 8, is the deadline to RSVP to join the Organization of Part-time University Students for its 29th annual awards banquet, recognizing part-time undergrad students, professors, and staff members for “Going the Extra Mile.”
This year’s event will be conducted virtually at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17. Honorees include:
- Wayne Girard Memorial Leadership Award: Erica Gowanlock;
- Alumni Association First-Year Part-Time Undergraduate Student Award: Imran Sehrai;
- Alumni Association Academic Achievement Award: Alissa Cosgrove;
- Ken Long Memorial Award: Lisa Milne;
- Mary C. Schisler Award in the Arts: Maria Belenkova-Buford;
- Student with Disability Achievement Award: Shawn Florence;
- Dr. Kathleen McCrone Award: Eric Hoffman;
- Dr. Kai Hildebrandt Part-time Student Award: Tissan McSween;
- Dr. Susan Wendt Hildebrandt Part-time Student Award: Stephanie Thomson;
- V.E.K. Ternoey Second Chance Award: Zahra Elahi;
- Teacher of the Year Award: Robert Weir;
- Faculty Award: Scott Mattson;
- TA/GA Award: Justin Grainger;
- Support Staff Awards: Judy Janzen, Chris O’Gorman, Zora Savic;
- Friend of Students Award: Chris Houser;
- Staff/Faculty Leadership Award: Anouchka Plumb;
- Senior Administrative Leadership Award: Sandra Aversa;
- Board Appreciation Awards: Sameena Sultana, Edy Haddad;
- Partnership Award: Green Shield Canada;
- Student Leader Appreciation Award: Petar Bratic.
RSVP to to receive the link to join online the celebration of these contributors towards a rewarding experience for part-time and mature undergraduate students at the University of Windsor. Find more details on the event website.