Future Students

 Human Kinetics Masters Candidate Sara Santarossa thesis’s survey focused on how four social media sites - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest - strongly affected eating behaviours, eating disorders, body image and self-esteem.Human Kinetics Masters Candidate Sara Santarossa thesis’s survey focused on how four social media sites - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest - strongly affected eating behaviours, eating disorders, body image and self-esteem.

Social networking usage can exacerbate negative body issues, says researcher

A research says young men and women who are addicted to using social networking sites, may suffer from a negative self-image and have a predisposition to such dangerous eating habits

 Thanks to UWindsor’s first football team, three student-athletes will receive the Gino Fracas Memorial Football Scholarship in a presentation at the football season home opener, Sunday, 30 August.Thanks to UWindsor’s first football team, three student-athletes will receive the Gino Fracas Memorial Football Scholarship in a presentation at the football season home opener, Sunday, 30 August.

Alumni of 1969 Lancer Football team picked up the ball for head coach and are still running with it

Frank Renaud, Travis Durocher and Jonathan Langley are three student-athletes who will receive an academic scholarship of $4,000 each in a presentation at the football season home opener, Sunday, August 30, 1 p.m., at Alumni Field, thanks to UWindsor’s first football team.

The campus musical ensemble has a membership of 70 to 80 singers each term, and is currently welcoming members from all segments of the campus who can pass a minimal audition.The campus musical ensemble has a membership of 70 to 80 singers each term, and is currently welcoming members from all segments of the campus who can pass a minimal audition.

Calling all singers: choirs now recruiting

The School of Creative Arts invites non-music majors who wish to join the oldest and largest ensemble on campus to audition for the University Singers, open as an elective course.

The University will be transitioning from CLEW to Blackboard September 8 for the faculties of Law, Human Kinetics, Education, Nursing, and the Odette School of Business. Remaining faculties will make the change by the end of DecemberThe University will be transitioning from CLEW to Blackboard September 8 for the faculties of Law, Human Kinetics, Education, Nursing, and the Odette School of Business. Remaining faculties will make the change by the end of December

Students laud popular new learning management system

A group of students had a chance to take Blackboard Learn, UWindsor’s soon-to-be-implemented learning management system, out for a test drive this summer and they liked what they saw.