bushel basket of orchard-fresh applesHio Tong Kuan, a doctoral candidate in psychology, won a prize package of alumni swag for correctly identifying varieties of local produce.

Fruit and veg identification produces contest win for student

Hio Tong Kuan, a doctoral candidate in applied social psychology, won Monday’s DailyNews contest and its prize of swag donated by the University of Windsor Alumni Association.

Her entry was drawn from all those which correctly identified the fruits of local farms by named varieties.

The quiz didn’t fool anyone — each of the more than 90 respondents was able to name Aleppo, Banana, Cherry, and Shishito as types of pepper; Braeburn, Cortland, Crispin, and Gala as apples; Beefsteak, Brandywine, Campari, and Roma as tomatoes; Burpless, Kirby, Lemon, and Persian as varied cucumbers; and Golden Nugget, Peaches and Cream, Silver Queen, and Sundance as sweetcorn.