Exchange programs offer opportunity of a lifetime

Students up for an opportunity of a lifetime should consider one of the many academic exchanges open to them, says coordinator Michelle Fitzgerald: “we want to send as many students on exchange as possible.”

The University of Windsor student exchange program offers a wide range of destinations to choose from – with partner institutions in the United Kingdom, Australia, China, Japan, Italy and more.

She encourages interested students to review the program’s Web site, which answers the most commonly asked questions, and notes the biggest misconceptions concern cost and qualifications.

Students need to have an 8.0 GPA and to have completed 20 classes by the time of the departure. Fitzgerald says these conditions ensure students are firmly established within the University environment and have proven they are likely to succeed while taking classes in a completely new school.

Once the exchange program has been approved, the University will help to ensure students are placed in the location of their choice, enrolled in classes appropriate to their degree programs, and, with the help of the partner school, address any other concerns they might have.

Students continue to pay all their tuition fees to the University of Windsor just as though they continued their studies in Windsor. The only additional costs incurred by the student are two-way airfare, accommodation, food and entertainment as well as personal expenses.

Students collecting funds through the Ontario Student Assistance Program retain their eligibility. There are also many bursaries and scholarships that students may be eligible for which would help to pay for their exchange.

Credits earned while on exchange are transferred back and included with marks towards a University of Windsor degree.

The application deadline for fall semester student exchanges is January 15. For more information, e-mail or visit

— Sarah Brown

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