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Alumni HallAlumni Hall is the setting for a training exercise Wednesday by Windsor Police.

Training exercise an opportunity for cooperation between police forces

Campus Police Services will benefit from a training exercise by Windsor Police in and around Alumni Hall on Wednesday, says director Mike MacKinnon.

The municipal force’s emergency services unit will simulate response scenarios using actors and blank ammunition August 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The exercise will test techniques, tactics, and command protocols.

“It’s a great opportunity for our officers to work together with Windsor Police to test our communications and procedures, so we work seamlessly together to further enhance campus safety,” MacKinnon says.

Wednesday’s training event will see police and their vehicles around Alumni Hall. Signs and officers posted at access points will alert passersby and assure them there is no hazard to the public.

MacKinnon invites the university community to direct any questions or concerns to him at 519-253-3000, ext. 5083.