A brown bag session March 28 will engage faculty in addressing the challenges posed by students’ relatively limited knowledge of Indigenous people.
A brown bag session March 28 will engage faculty in addressing the challenges posed by students’ relatively limited knowledge of Indigenous people.
A free screening Thursday will show films highlighting issues around missing or murdered Indigenous women and girls.
A mini round dance Wednesday in the CAW Student Centre will honour missing and murdered Indigenous women.
A brown bag session Wednesday will engage faculty in discussion of Indigenous pedagogy.
A brown bag session Monday will engage faculty in discussion of “Reconciliation in the Classroom.”
Members of the Native Student Alliance are seeking donations toward their Sleepy in the TiiPii overnight camp-out.
A free public screening of the documentary “Trick or Treaty” on October 26 is the first Windsor event in the Aabiziingwashi Wide Awake film series.
“The Sacred Relationship” is the result of a three-year research project by a team of Aboriginal and Western scientists.
A brown bag session Monday will engage faculty in discussion of inclusive language.
The Aboriginal Education Centre will host a screening of short films by Indigenous youth on August 4.