A steering committee is hard at work developing the University of Windsor’s first Student Mental Health Strategy.
A steering committee is hard at work developing the University of Windsor’s first Student Mental Health Strategy.
A project to improve first-year courses is seeking input from instructors.
A campaign to increase participation of UWindsor students in the National Survey of Student Engagement helped to double this year’s response rate over the last survey.
The survey is held every three years, asking undergraduate students in their first and final years to share their experiences in and out of class, as well as their opinions on what works — and what needs work. This year, more than 58 per cent of eligible UWindsor students responded, just about double the 2014 response rate.
A series of community consultations has provided insight into the role of the University of Windsor in the development of the region and the country.
Jeff Berryman began a five-year term as associate vice-president, academic, effective March 1.
UWindsor students are responding to this year’s National Survey of Student Engagement in unprecedented numbers.
A video recording of Jeff Berryman’s presentation as a candidate for Associate Vice-President, Academic, is available for viewing online.
Prof. Jeff Berryman, the only candidate shortlisted for the position of associate vice-president, academic, will make a public presentation Thursday, January 26, at 1 p.m. in the Freed Orman Commons, Assumption Hall.
Provost Douglas Kneale, chair of the search committee, made the announcement Monday.
Richard Wagner, justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, will participate in Windsor Law’s judge in residence program Wednesday and Thursday.
More than 70 presenters, facilitators, or networking partners welcomed 30 new faculty members in last week’s orientation program.