Photo of Dr. Bonnie Stewart.Education professor Bonnie Stewart hopes to start a conversation at universities about the data collected by the apps and platforms used in teaching with her three-year study funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Research probes privacy concerns of classroom technology

When was the last time you read the terms of service on a digital platform or app?

If the answer is never, you are not alone, says UWindsor education professor Bonnie Stewart.

Group of young people have a discussion while sitting around computer.Researchers from the Odette School of Business are seeking participants for a study about how to build and sustain resilient entrepreneurial teams.

Building resilient startup teams aim of study

Successful entrepreneurship is critical to a vibrant economy, but about 50% of new ventures fail within five years with dysfunctional teamwork being one of the most common causes.

A team of researchers, led by faculty from the Odette School of Business, are addressing this issue by investigating the social dynamics that enable startup teams to overcome adversities and uncertainties associated with starting a new business.