Contact Information
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext 3811
Office: Room 3320, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building
Professor, Ph.D. York University
Research Interests
My research interests include the politics and history of Ontario education, the evolution of citizenship education, and Conservative party leaders and prime ministers of Canada. In addition, I have a focus on recent trends in political history, including biography.
Courses Taught
- 80-362 History: Curriculum & Methods
- 80-318 Social Studies
- 80-307 Issues in Education
- 80-560 Politics of Education
- 80-559 Recent History of Education in Ontario
- 80-541 Social Sciences Curriculum
Larry A. Glassford. Reaction and Reform: The Politics of the Conservative Party Under R.B. Bennett. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992
Larry A. Glassford, Robert J. Clark & Larry Chud. Challenge of Democracy: Ideals and Realities in Canada. Scarborough: Nelson Canada, 1984.
Chapter in Book:
Larry A. Glassford, “Arthur Meighen,” in Ramsay Cook & Real Belanger, eds. Canada’s Prime Ministers: Macdonald to Trudeau. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.
Refereed Articles:
"How Imaginative? How Authoritative? Exploring the Life and Times of a Short Commissioned Biography of Mitch Hepburn", in Journal of Historical Biography (Vol.15, Spring 2014).
“Citizenship Literacy and National Self-Identity: The Historical Impact of Curriculum and Textbooks in Shaping the Character of Ontario,” in Active posted online since March, 2010 at
“Quality Assurance or Election Fodder? - The Politics of Teacher Testing in Ontario, 1999-2003,” in Historical Studies in Education (Vol. 19, No.1 Spring 2007).
“A Triumph of Politics over Pedagogy?: The Case of the Ontario Teacher Qualifying Test, 2000-2005,” in Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Issue #45, November 3, 2005, available at
“The Evolution of ‘New Political History’ in English-Canadian Historiography; From Cliometrics to Cliodiversity” in The American Review of Canadian Studies (Vol. 32, No. 3, Autumn 2002).
“The Presence of So Many Ladies: A Study of the Conservative Party’s Response to Female Suffrage in Canada, 1918-1939,” in Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal (Vol. 22, No.1, Fall/Winter 1997).
Ph.D. (History), York University (1985)
M.A., Carleton University
Dip.Ed., University of Western Ontario (1974)
B.A. (Political Science), University of Western Ontario (1972)
Recent Graduate Supervision
Ph.D. Supervisor for Ana Savic, "The Transformation of Windsor Teachers College to Faculty of Education, University of Windsor" (In Progress)
Ph.D. Supervisor for James Boreland, "A Historical Geography of Ontario School -Board -Operated Outdoor Education Centes" (Completed in 2015)
Ph.D. Supervisor for Kael Sharman: "Gender, Class and Curriculum at W.D. Lowe Technical School, 1923-1973" (Completed in 2014)