Dr. Lindsey Jaber

Dr. Lindsey Jaber


Dr. Lindsey Jaber
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education, University of Windsor

Phone(519) 253-3000 ext. 3842
OfficeRoom 3343, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building

Profile Icon


Dr. Lindsey Jaber (née Leenaars) is an associate professor of Educational Psychology in the Faculty of Education. Dr. Jaber is also a registered Psychologist in the areas of School, Clinical, and Counselling Psychology with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Dr. Jaber has extensive experience in the assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults and is actively engaged in research regarding mental health, trauma, and intervention. Her professional and scholarly experience working in schools, community settings, and private practice has informed her research. Dr. Jaber has numerous publications, including research articles and book chapters on topics ranging from mental health and wellness, childhood/adolescent development to violence, bullying, trauma, and suicide. She has presented at many national and international conferences and facilitated multiple training workshops for professionals.

  • Mental health and wellness
  • Trauma and trauma-responsive practice
  • Educator mental health and well-being
  • Violence, bullying, and harassment
  • Social and emotional learning and development
  • Inclusive education
  • Suicide
  • Higher Education

Courses Taught Icon Courses Taught

  • EDUC-5203 – Educational Psychology
  • EDUC-5211 – Mental Health
  • EDUC-8580 – Psychology of Learning Problems
  • EDUC-9040 – Doctoral Seminar II: Current Research, Theories, and Issues

Awards Icon Major Funding / Awards

Principal Investigator (2023). #TeacherCandidatesToo: Teacher Candidates? Experiences of Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment During School-Based Practicum. [Awarded]. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant. Total award amount $71,066.00. 


Principal Investigator (2022). Women, trauma, and mental health: Storied experiences of productivity in higher education. [Awarded]. WE-SPARK Igniting Discovery Grants. Total award amount $10,000.00. 


Principal Investigator (2021). Adjusting mental health services: Insights from the voices of transitional-aged youth. [Awarded]. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Engage Grant. Total award amount $24,999.00. 


Principal Investigator (2021). Examining the effectiveness of interactive digital media on children’s self-regulation through game-play and movement. [Awarded]. DISCOVELO and MITACS. Total award amount $15,000. 


Principal Investigator (2021). A mixed-methods investigation of hyper-productivity as a trauma response. [Awarded]. Research Stimulus Fund Grant, Faculty of Education, University of Windsor. Total award amount $4,000.00. 


Principal Investigator (2020). “Transit gender sunshine list”: Assessment of representation of women as CEOs and directors of Canadian transit systems. [Awarded]. Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) and MITACS. Total award amount $60,000.00. 


Principal Investigator (2020).“Transit gender sunshine list”: Assessment of representation of women as CEOs and directors of Canadian transit systems. [Awarded]. University of Windsor. Total award amount $5,000.00. 


Principal Investigator (2020). Examining Indigenous women's experiences of lateral violence: A systematic literature review. [Awarded]. Research Grants for Women, University of Windsor. Total award amount $5,000.00. 


Co-Principal Investigator (2020). Nanda-gikenim: Incorporating Indigenous Ways of Knowing (IWK) and pedagogy into the postsecondary learning environment. [Awarded]. Nandagikenim: Seek to Know Grant, Office of the Provost, University of Windsor. Total award amount $3,040.00. 


Principal Investigator (2020). Measuring social inclusion: An investigation into the relationship between students’ attitudes toward bullying and attitudes toward disability. [Awarded]. Research Stimulus Fund Grant, Faculty of Education, University of Windsor. Total award amount $3,000.00. 


Principal Investigator (2020). The Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Workers in Windsor-Essex County. [Awarded]. WE-SPARK Health Institute Igniting Discovery Grants Program COVID-19 Rapid Response. Total award amount $5,000.00. 


Publications Icon Publications and Presentations

Jaber, L. (Ed.) (in press). Understanding mental health across educational contexts: Promoting wellness in classrooms. Canadian Scholars Women’s Press.

Jaber, L.S., Stirbys, C., & *Saint-Cyr, C. (2024). Decolonizing the higher education curriculum: An evaluation of incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing and pedagogy. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.5206/cjsotlrcacea.2024.1.14796.

*Cordeiro, J., Jaber, L., *Miklas, E., Voth, J., & MacDougall, L. (in press). Healthcare managers matter too: Examining the mental health effects of COVID-19. Journal of Health Management

*Raffoul, S., & Jaber, L. (2023). Text-to-speech software and reading comprehension: The impact for students with learning disabilities. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology49, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.21432/cjlt28296.

*Doan-Goss, B., Jaber, L., Scott, J., & Petrunic, J. (2023). The malevolent mask of meritocracy in perpetuating gender disparities within the Canadian transit industry. International Journal of Organizational Leadership12, 311-328.

Voth, J., Jaber, L., MacDougall, L., *Ward, L., *Cordeiro, & *Miklas, E. (2022). The presence of psychological distress in healthcare workers across different care settings in Windsor, Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13

*Guenot, B., & Jaber, L. (2022). The rise in demand for special education in Ontario: Focus on core French-language schools. Journal of Teaching & Learning, 16, 44-63https://doi.org/10.22329/jtl.v16i1.6578

Jaber, L., Stirbys, C., *Scott, J., & *Foong, E. (2022). Indigenous women’s experiences of lateral violence: A systematic literature review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/15248380221077316

Jaber, L., Rinaldi, C., Saunders, C., & *Scott, J. (2022). The intent behind bullying – An application and expansion of the theory of planned behaviour. Contemporary School Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40688-021-00403-3

Jaber, L. (2022, September). Talking with your teen about high school shows they can share about big (and little) things in their lives. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/talking-with-your-teen-about-high-school-helps-them-open-up-about-big-and-little-things-in-their-lives-189171

Hillier, K., & Jaber, L. (2022, March). Is March break really a break? How pandemic-weary parents can recharge and connect with children without a vacation. The Conversationhttps://theconversation.com/is-march-break- really-a-break-how-pandemic-weary-parents-can-recharge-and-connect-with-children-without-a-vacation-178379.

Jaber, L., & *Cordeiro, J. (2021). A tale of two clinicians: The impact of COVID on the provision of therapy. [Special issue]. Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice, 9(1), 179-187.

*Miklas, E. P., Jaber, L. S., & Starr, E. (2021). The perceived effectiveness of full-day kindergarten for children with ADHD. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 36, 275-289. https://doi.org/10.1177/08295735211031435

*Scott, J., Jaber, L., & Rinaldi, C. (2021). Trauma-informed school strategies for social and emotional learning and adverse childhood experiences concerns during COVID-19. [Special issue]. Education Sciences, 11, 796. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11120796

*Doan, B., & Jaber, L. (2021). HERLeadership: Addressing the Continued Lack of Women in Leadership. Journal of Leadership Accountability and Ethics, 18(5), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.33423/jlae.v18i5.4739

Jaber, L., & Saunders, C., (2021, July). “Serenity now!”: Supporting developmentally appropriate self-regulation in the early years [Published proceedings]. International School Psychology Association Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. 

Jaber, L., & Saunders, C. (2021, July). Fostering resilience in children and adolescents following developmental trauma [Published proceedings]. International School Psychology Association Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. 

Leenaars, L., & Rinaldi, C. (2016). Indirect victimization. In W.G. Jennings (Ed.), The encyclopedia of crime and punishment. NJ: Wiley Blackwell.

Raina, A., Leenaars, A.A., Mahapatra, B.K., Leenaars, L., Dogra, T.D. (2015). Deception and vaginal slides: Do we need to preserve a control sample of victims in every case of rape? Journal of Forensic Medicine and Legal Affairs, 1, 103.

Leenaars, A., Gailienė, D., Wenckstern, S., Leenaars, L., Trofimova, J., Petravičiūtė, I., & Park, B.C.B. (2014). Extreme traumatisation and suicide notes from Lithuania: A thematic analysis. Suicidology Online, 5, 33.

Lamis, D. A., Leenaars, L. S., Jahn, D., & Lester, D. (2013). Intimate partner violence: Are perpetrators also victims and are they more likely to experience suicide ideation? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28, 3109-3127.

Leenaars, L. S. (2012). “It is far safer to be feared than loved”: Why do some individuals become bullies and others bully-victims? (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Education and Research Archive.https://doi.org/10.7939/R3TP6G

Leenaars, L., Denys, K., Henneveld, D., & Rasmussen, C. (2012). The impact of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders on families: Evaluation of a family intervention program. Community Mental Health Journal, 48, 431-435. doi: 10.1007/s10597-011-9425-6  

Leenaars, A.A., Dogra, T.D., Girdhar, S., & Leenaars, L. (2012). What can we learn from suicide notes: A study in India. In A. Shrivastava, M. Kimbrell, & D. Lester (Eds.), Suicide from a global perspective: Psychosocial approaches (pp. 41-45). NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Leenaars, L., & Leenaars, A. A. (2011). Suicide postvention in colleges and universities.  In D. Lamis & D. Lester (Eds.), Understanding and preventing college student suicide (pp. 273-290). IL: C. C. Thomas.

Leenaars, L., & Lester, D. (2011). Indirect aggression and victimization are positively associated in emerging adulthood: The psychological functioning of indirect aggressors and victims. Journal of College Student Development, 52, 62-76.

Leenaars, A. A., Park, B. C., Collins, P., Wenckstern, S., & Leenaars, L. (2010). Martyrs’ last letters: Are they the same as suicide notes? Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55, 660-668.

Raina, A., Dogra, T. D., Leenaars, A. A., Yadav, B., Bhera, C., Lalwani, S., & Leenaars, L. (2010). Case report: Identity of victims from fragmented and decomposed remnants by DNA profiling in a case of serial killings. Medicine, Science, and the Law, 50, 220-223.

Leenaars, L. S., & Rinaldi, C. M. (2010). Male and female university students’ experiences of indirect aggression. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 25, 131-148.

Sayin, A., Leenaars, A. A., Candansayar, S., Leenaars, L., Akar, T., & Demirel, B. (2010). Suicide in different cultures: A thematic comparison of suicide notes from Turkey and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 41, 253-264.

Leenaars, A., Girdhar, S., Dogra, T.D., Wenckstern, S., & Leenaars, L. (2010). Suicide notes from India and the United States: A thematic comparison. Death Studies, 34, 426-440.

Chavez-Hernandez, A-M., Leenaars, A. A., Chavez de-Sanchez, M-I., & Leenaars, L. (2009). Suicide notes from Mexico and the US: A thematic analysis. Salud Publica de Mexico, 51, 314-320.

Dogra, T. D., Leenaars, A. A., Girdhar, S., Dattagupte, S., & Leenaars, L.(2009). Menstruation and suicide: A histopathological study. Crisis: The journal of crisis intervention and suicide prevention, 30, 202-207. 

Leenaars, L., Dane, A., Marini, Z., & YLC-CURA (2008). An evolutionary perspective on indirect victimization in adolescence: The role of attractiveness, dating and sexual behavior. Aggressive Behaviour, 34, 404-415.

Leenaars, A., EchoHawk, M., Lester, D., Leenaars, L., & Harmic, E. (2007). Suicide among Indigenous peoples: What does the international knowledge tell us? Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 27, 479-501.

Leenaars, L., & Lester, D. (2007). Construct validity of the helplessness/hopelessness/haplessness scale: Correlations with perfectionism and depression. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 104, 152.

Leenaars, A., EchoHawk, M., Lester, D., Leenaars, L., & Haramic, E. (2006). Suicide among indigenous peoples: The research. Special issue of Archives of Suicide Research, 10, 2.

Leenaars, L., & Lester, D. (2006). Perfectionism, depression and academic performance. Psychological Reports, 99, 941-942.

Chavez, A., Páramo-Castillo, D., Leenaars, A., & Leenaars, L. (2006). Suicide notes in Mexico: What do they tell us? Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 36 (6), 709-715.

Girdhar, S., Leenaars, A. A., Dogra, T. D., Leenaars, L., & Kumar, G. (2004). Suicide notes in India: What do they tell us? Archives of Suicide Research, 8(2), 179-185.

Jaber, L., Hillier, K., *Cordeiro, J., Almanssori, S., *Fishback, K., *Jevdic, E., & *Myers, J. (2024, June 14). “My CV is a weapon”: Academic women’s experiences of trauma, mental health, and productivity. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

*Scott, J., *Myers, J., *Ward, L., *Cordeiro, J., *Chandan, J., *Williams, S., Voth, J., & Jaber, L. (2023, June 23-25). Mental health help-seeking barriers experienced by young adults: A mixed-method study. [Paper presentation]. Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.

*Scott, J., Jaber, L., Voth, J., *Cordeiro, J., *Myers, J., *Chandan, J., *Ward, L., & *Williams, S. (2022, November 11). “I told myself, ‘I’ll fix it later’”: Transition-aged youth’s storied experiences of mental health and help-seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Poster presentation]. WE-SPARK Health Research Conference, Windsor, ON, Canada.

Jaber, L., Hillier, K., Almanssori, S., *Cordeiro, J., *Scott, J., & *Jevdic, E. (2022, September). “I think productivity is a way of coping”: A narrative inquiry into productivity and trauma among women in academia [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Mental Health, Lisbon, Portugal. www.ecmh.eu

*Cordeiro, J., Jaber, L., Voth, J., *Scott, J., *Myers, J., *Chandan, J., *Ward, L., & *Williams, S. (2022, September 14–16). Tailoring mental health outreach and services to meet the evolving needs of young adults: A mixed-method investigation. [Paper presentation]. 10th European Conference on Mental Health, Lisbon, Portugal. https://ecmh.eu

Jaber, L., & *Miklas, E. (2022, May). Examining the effectiveness of interactive digital media on children’s self-regulation, through gameplay and movement [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Virtual. https://csse-scee.ca/conference-2022/

*Miklas, E., & Jaber, L. (2022, May). Understanding educators’ knowledge, misperceptions, and attitudes about ADHD to reduce stigmatization for children with ADHD: A review of the literature [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Virtual. https://csse-scee.ca/conference-2022/

*Doan, B., Jaber, L., & *Scott, J. (2022, May). Transit and transitions: How women are changing the workplace from the inside out [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Virtual. https://csse-scee.ca/conference-2022/

*Scott, J., Jaber, L., & Rinaldi, C. (2022, April). Fostering socioemotional development during global disruption: A trauma-informed approach for educators [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Virtual.

Stirbys, C., Jaber, L., & *Saint-Cyr, C. (2022, April). Nanadagikenim: Incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing and pedagogy into the postsecondary learning environment [Roundtable discussion]. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Virtual.

*Foong, E., *Jevdic, E., *Child, I., *Scott, J., Jaber, L., & Freer, J. (2022, March). Uncovering themes in anti- and pro- bullying attitudes among school-aged children. [Paper presentation]. Rosa Burno-Jofré Symposium in Education, Virtual.

*Foong, E., *Child, I., *Jevdic, E., *Scott, J., Jaber, L., & Freer, J. (2022, March). An integration of peer-reviewed findings on attitudes toward bullying. [Standard presentation]. Graduate Education Research Conference, Virtual.

*Scott, J., *Meyers, J., *Chandan, J., *Cordeiro, J., *Ward, L., Jaber, L., & Voth, J. (2022, March). Navigating emerging adulthood: Exploring current challenges experienced in the community [Poster presentation]. UWill Discover Undergraduate Conference, Windsor, Ontario.

Jaber, L., Freer, J., *Foong, E., *Scott, J., *Child, I., & *Jevdic, E. (2021, December). It's all about the attitude: Examining the relationship between attitudes toward disabilities and bullying [Paper presentation]. Ontario's Council for Exceptional Children's Annual Special Education Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

Jaber, L., & Saunders, C., (2021, July). “Serenity now!”: Supporting developmentally appropriate self-regulation in the early years [Roundtable discussion]. International School Psychology Association Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. http://ispa2021.org

Jaber, L., & Saunders, C. (2021, July). Fostering resilience in children and adolescents following developmental trauma [Paper presentation]. International School Psychology Association Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. http://ispa2021.org

Doan, B., & Jaber, L. (2021, May). HERLeadership: Addressing the continued lack of women in leadership [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Virtual. https://csse-scee.ca/conference-2021/ 

Miklas, E., Jaber, L., & Starr, E. (2021, May). Educator perceptions of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and play-based full-day kindergarten [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Virtual. https://csse-scee.ca/conference-2021/ 

Jaber, L., & Saunders, C., (2021, July). “Serenity now!”: Supporting developmentally appropriate self-regulation in the early years [Roundtable Discussion]. International School Psychology Association Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. 

Jaber, L., & Saunders, C. (2021, July). Fostering resilience in children and adolescents following developmental trauma [Paper Presentation]. International School Psychology Association Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. 

Jaber, L., Rinaldi, C., & Saunders, C. (2020, June). An application of the theory of planned behaviour to bullying [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, London, ON. (Conference Cancelled).

Jaber, L., & Sabourin, L. (2020, June). Hiding behind glasses: Engaging in a difficult and vulnerable conversation about women in leadership roles [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, London, ON. (Conference Cancelled).

Jaber, L.S. (2018, November). Toward a better understanding of New Canadian students’ experience of traumatic stress: Creating a welcoming and supportive school environment. Paper presented at the Canadian Educators Conference on Mental Health, Toronto, ON.

Raina, A., Dogra, T. D., Leenaars, A. A., Mahapatra, B. K., & Leenaars, L. (2013, October). Deception and vaginal slides: Do we need to preserve a control sample of victims in every case of rape? Paper presented at the International Society for Applied Biological Sciences conference, Split, Croatia.

Leenaars, L., Leenaars, A., & Wenckstern, S. Suicide postvention in college students. (2012, October). Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.

Leenaars, A. A., Sayin, A., Leenaars, L., Candansayar, S., Akar, T., & Demirel, B. (2010, April). Suicide in different cultures: A thematic comparison of suicide notes from Turkey and the United States. Poster presented at the 43rd American Association of Suicidology Conference, Orlando, FL.

Rasmussen, C., Henneveld, D., Badry, D., Denys, K., & Leenaars, L. (2009, February). The effectiveness of FASD programs on outcomes for at-risk mothers, families and parents with FASD. Paper presented at the Alberta FASD Conference, Edmonton AB.

Rasmussen, C., Henneveld, D., Badry, D., Denys, K., & Leenaars, L. (2009, March). The effectiveness of FASD programs on outcomes for at-risk mothers, families and parents with FASD. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on FASD, Victoria, BC.

Klassen, R. M., Anju, A., Cook, K., Georgis, R., & Leenaars, L. (2009, March). Research beyond borders: Challenges and rewards of a research practicum in community-based educational psychology. Paper presented at the Community University Engagement Showcase, Edmonton, Alberta.

Rinaldi, C., & Leenaars, L. (2008, July). Sociability, social problem solving and depressive symptoms in school-aged children. Paper presented at the International School Psychologist Association Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Leenaars. L., & Rinaldi, C. (2008, July). A Mixed Method Approach to the Study of Indirect Aggression and Victimization in Emerging Adulthood. Poster presented at the International School Psychologist Association Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Leenaars, L., & Rinaldi, C. (2008, March). Indirect aggression and victimization in emerging adulthood. Paper presented at the Annual Educational Psychology Graduate Student Research Colloquium, Edmonton, Alberta.

Leenaars, A. A., EchoHawk, M., Lester, D., & Leenaars, L. (2007, October). Suicide among indigenous peoples: What does the international research tell us? Paper to be presented at the Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention Conference, Yellowknife, North West Territories.

Rinaldi, C., Welton, C., & Leenaars, L. (2007, May). Understanding students’ social interactions: Why context still matters. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Educational Psychology Conference, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Leenaars, L., Dane, A. V., & Marini, Z. A. (2007, March). Indirect Victimization as a Function of Adolescent Sexual Behavior: An Evolutionary Perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Educational Psychology Graduate Student Research Colloquium, Edmonton, Alberta.

Leenaars, L., Dane, A.V., Marini, Z.A., & YLC-CURA. (2007, March). Indirect aggression as a function of adolescent sexual behaviour: An evolutionary perspective. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, Massachusetts.

Boechler, P. M., Levner, I., Leenaars, L., & Steffler, D. (2006, December). Navigation and learning in educational hypermedia: Are poor readers at a disadvantage? Paper and published proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference, Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA), Barcelona, Spain.

Boechler, P. M., Steffler, D., Levner, I., & Leenaars, L. (2006, July). Incidental learning on the London tube: Evidence from hypermedia.Extended Abstract in Proceedings of Cognitive Science, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Leenaars, L., Dane, A., & Marini, Z.A. (2006, May). Victimization from an evolutionary perspective: Indirect bullying involving dating and sexual history in adolescence. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Educational Psychology Conference, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, York University, North York, Ontario.

Leenaars, L. (2005, June). Indirect aggression in a victimized adolescent population. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) conference, Montreal, Quebec.

Leenaars, L. (2005, April). Indirect aggression from an evolutionary perspective. Paper presented at the Undergraduate Thesis Conference, Trent University, Trent, Ontario.

Leenaars, L. (2004). An investigation of the relationship between perfectionism, depression, and academic performance. Poster presented at the Psychology 3F40 poster conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario.

Education Icon Education

  • Ph.D., Educational Psychology, University of Alberta

  • M.Ed., Educational Psychology, University of Alberta

  • B.A. (Honours), First Class Standing, Psychology, Brock University

Community Involvement

  • President, The Canadian Association for Educational Psychology

  • Practicum placement supervisor for the Clinical Psychology Program, University of Windsor