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Studying in Windsor pays off for PhD student

ming to Windsor might have been the best move ever for a young Chinese engineering graduate student who’s trying to improve the performance of hybrid electric vehicles.

“It’s been really good for me,” said Xiaomin Lu, a PhD student who will soon return to Windsor after a productive six-week trip to India to conduct more research. “If I had stayed in China, I never would have had the opportunity to experience so much.”


Second-place showing in national case competition

If you find emergency room wait times getting shorter, the professional to thank may not be in medicine, but in engineering.

A group of industrial engineering students from the University of Windsor learned their optimization skills apply as much to the hospital as to the factory during a case competition at the Institute of Industrial Engineers national conference in Toronto, January 23 to 26.

Trebuchet project puts student skills to the test

Kassem Bazzi, Matthew Vong, Tyler Doyle

From left, students Kassem Bazzi, Matthew Vong and Tyler Doyle prepare to launch their trebuchet on Friday.

Engineering students were busy launching rubber balls through the industrial courtyard at the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation on Friday. The students were taking part in an assignment for their course in dynamics, which required them to construct a trebuchet – similar to a catapult that uses counterweights to launch its projectile – out of nothing more than wood, string and pop cans.