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Honours Certificate Civil

Admission Requirements
A candidate for the Honours Certificate in Civil Engineering shall hold the degree of:
(i)  Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.);
(ii)  a four-year B.Sc. (or BCS) Science fields degree.  The program can also be taken concurrently by the 3rd and 4th year University of Windsor students in Engineering and Science fields.

Total Courses
Eight (8) courses [minimum of 6 upper year courses (Years 3 and 4), and up to 8 if the student has all the pre-requisites, or their equivalent, courses].

Major Requirements
The program consists of eight (8) undergraduate courses, at the 300 or 400 level, as listed in the program requirements for the BASc in Civil Engineering.  Students with an undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree may take a minimum of two courses at the 200 level.

The present pre-requisite requirements for 3rd and 4th year courses must be respected.  All selected courses should not be from courses, subjects or topics that were part of the applicant's undergraduate studies.

If students from another program are missing pre-requisites courses critical for successful completion of the certificate, they are to choose from appropriate 2nd year courses.  A maximum of two courses from the pre-requisite courses will count towards the certificate, although more may be necessary depending on the student's background.

To qualify for the certificate, students will be required to successfully complete all eight courses at the University of Windsor.  No transfer credits will be considered for this certificate.

How to Apply
Please apply through the Office of the Registrar. 

Full-time applicants — select undergrad 105, browse programs (105D), by university, University of Windsor. Please select "Civil Engineering" and choose "Civil Engineering Certificate (Honours)" under the Subject of Major Interest tab.

Part-time applicants — click "select programs" in left bar, select "Civil Engineering" and choose "Civil Engineering Certificate (Honours)" under the Subject of Major Interest tab.

International applicants outside Canada or USA — 1. under the online application, click "select programs" in left bar, select "Civil Engineering" and choose "Civil Engineering Certificate (Honours)" under the Subject of Major Interest tab.

International applicants in Canada or USA — 2. select the OUAC link, select undergrad 105, browse programs (105F), by university, University of Windsor. Please select "Civil Engineering" and choose "Civil Engineering Certificate (Honours)" under the Subject of Major Interest tab.

Current or returning University of Windsor students — please complete the Returning Student Application Form found on UWinsite Student. Please ;submit the completed form to the Registrar's Office.

Selection of Courses
Once you are accepted into the Honours Certificate Program you will need to make an appointment with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Head to discuss the selection of your courses for this program. To schedule an appointment, please call 519-253-3000 ext. 2550.