Distinguished Professor
519-253-3000 ext. 5032
Office: 3074 CEI
Dr. Biswas is not accepting any new graduate students at this time.
- PhD, University of Ottawa
- MASc
- B. Eng, University of Calcutta
Research Interests
- Enzymatic treatment of industrial wastewater
- Water quality, drinking water disinfection
- Hazardous waste treatment
- Water and wastewater in developing countries
Professional Affiliations
- Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
- Co-editor, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (CJCE)
- Fellow, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)
Selected Publications
- Mashhadi, N., Taylor, K.E., Biswas, N., Removal of Selected Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products from Wastewater using Soybean Peroxidase, Journal of Environmental Management, (In Press), 2019; DOI: 10.1007/s00267-018-01132-9.
- Ray R., Henshaw P., Biswas N., Characteristics of Spray Atomization for Liquid Droplets Formed Using a Rotary Bell Atomizer, Journal of Fluid Engineering, ASME (Accepted), 2019.
- Beemer, K.,Taylor, K., Biswas, N., Sorption Properties of Peroxidase-Catalyzed Polyphenolic Resin Enable Aromatics Capture. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science. (Accepted), 2019.
- Cordova Villegas, L.*; Cordova Villegas, A., Taylor, K., Biswas, N., Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Enzyme-Catalyzed Azo Dye Decolorization. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. (In Press), 2018.
- Mukherjee D., Taylor K.E., Biswas N. Soybean peroxidase-induced treatment of dye-derived arylamines in water, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 229:283-1-13, 2019; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-018-3936-5.
- Cordova Villegas, L.*, Mazloum, S.*, Taylor, K., Biswas, N., Soybean Peroxidase-Catalyzed Treatment of Azo Dyes with or without Fe° Pretreatment. Water Environment Research. 90(8): 675-684, 2018. https://doi.org/10.2175/106143017X15131012153149.
- Jyoti Upadhyaya, PhD; Nihar Biswas, PhD; Edwin Tam, PhD, Managing for Change: Integrating Functionality, Resiliency and Sustainability for Stormwater Infrastructure Assessment, Journal of Infrastructure Systems (ASCE),2017.
- Feng, Wei, Taylor, K. E., Bewtra, J.K., Biswas, N., Phenolic precipitates from soybean peroxidase-catalyzed wastewater treatment: concentrated waste serves to concentrate its progenitor, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (ASCE), 20(2), 2016, April.
- Cordova Villegas L.G.., Mashhadi, N., Chen, M., Mukherjee, D., Taylor, K. E., & Biswas, N. (2016). A short review of techniques for phenol removal from wastewater. Current Pollution Reports, 2(3), 157-167.
- Bahaa Malik, Wei Feng, Hadi Hassan Jasim, Keith E. Taylor, Niharendu Biswas, Jatinder K. Bewtra, Sabah A. A. Jassim, Soybean peroxidase-catalysed removal of benzidines from water, Journal of Environmental Engineering Science, 10, 73-80, 2015, December.
Mazloum, S., Al-Ansari, M.M., Taylor, K.E., Bewtra, J.K., and Biswas, N., *, Additive Effect on Soybean Peroxidase Catalyzed Removal of Anilines from Wate, Journal of Environmental Engineering Science, 33, 2015, November. - Ray, R., Henshaw, P., Biswas, N. & Sak C, Evaporation of Water Spray from a Rotary Bell Atomizer using a Phase Doppler Anemometer, Atomization of Spray, 25(7), 539-551, 2015, May.
Steevensz, A, Madur,S, Feng, W; Taylor, KE, Bewtra, JK, Biswas, N., Crude soybean hull peroxidase treatment of phenol in synthetic and real waste water:enzyme economy enhanced by Triton-X-100, Enzyme and microbial technology, 85, 65-71, 2014, January. - Merih Uslua, Rajesh Seth, Saad Jasima, Shahram Tabea & Nihar Biswas, Reaction Kinetics of Ozone with Selected Pharmaceuticals and Their Removal Potential from a Secondary Treated Municipal Wastewater Effluent in the Great Lakes Basin, The Journal of the International Ozone Association, 37(1), 36-44, 2014.
Steevensz, A; Cordova Villegas, LG; Feng, W; Taylor, KE; Bewtra, JK; Biswas, N, Soybean peroxidase for industrial wastewater treatment: a mini review, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 9(3), 181-186, 2014. - Das, K., Lashkari, R., Biswas, N., Disaster Assessment and a Humanitarian Logistics Based Mitigation Planning Framework, J. of Ind. Eng. & Management System, 12(4), 336-350, 2013, December.
Steevensz, A., Mousa, M., Madur, S., Taylor, K., Bewtra, J., Biswas, N., A simple lab-scale extraction of soybean hull peroxidase shows wide variation among cultivars, Journal of Industrial Crops and Products, 48, 13-18, 2013, July. - Uslu, M., Arvi, A., Jassim, S., Bewtra, J., Biswas, N., A Survey of Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Pharmaceutical Substances in the Great Lakes Basin, Journal of Ozone Science and Engineering, 35, 249-262, 2013, April.
Feng, W; Taylor, KE; Biswas, N; Bewtra, JK, Soybean peroxidase trapped in product precipitate during phenol polymerization retains activity and may be recycled, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 88(8), 1429-1435, 2013, March. - Arvai, Antonette, Jasim, Saad and Biswas, Nihar, Bromate Formation in Ozone and Advanced Oxidation Processes, Ozone: Science & Engineering, 34, 325-333, 2012, September.
Ray, R., Henshaw, P.F., Biswas, N., Effects of reduced aeration in biological aerated filter, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 39, 432-438 (City of Windsor), 2012. - Uslu, M.O.; Rahman, M.F.; Jasim, S.Y.; Yanful, E.K.; Biswas, N., Evaluation of the Reactivity of Organic Pollutants during O3/H2O2 Process, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 223, 3173-3180, 2012.
Steevensz, M.; Mousa Al-Ansari; KE Taylor; JK Bewtra; N. Biswas, Oxidative coupling of various aromatic phenols and anilines in water using a laccase from Trametes villosa and insights into the PEG Effect, J. of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 87, 21-32, 2012. - J.K. Upadhyaya; G. Moore, Sustainabiity Indicators for Wastewater Reuse Systems and their Application in two small systems in rural Victoria, Australia, Canadian J. of Civil Engineering, 39(6), 674-688, 2012.
Book Chapters
- Mousa Al-Ansari, M., Saha, B., Mazloum, S., Taylor, K.E., Bewtra, J.K., Biswas, N., “Soybean Peroxidase Applications in Wastewater Treatment,” Chapter in Soybeans: Cultivation, Uses and Nutrition, Edited by Maxwell, J.E., Nova Science Pub., NY, USA, 2010, Chapter 5, 33 pages.
- Bewtra, J.K. and Biswas, N., “Biological Treatment of Wastewater,” J. Pfafflin and Edward Zeigler (editors) in Encyclopedia of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 1, CRC Press Taylor & Francis, 2006, pp. 137-159.
Conference Presentations
- Das, K., Lashkari, R., Biswas, N., 2012, “Disaster Assessment and a Humanitarian Logistics Based by Soybean Peroxidase-catalyzed Oxidative Polymerization Following Limited Fenton Reaction,” 83rd Annual WEFTEC Exhibition and Conference, New Orleans, LS, October 2-6.
- Ray, R., Henshaw, P.F., Biswas, N., (2011), “Regression Analysis to find the effects of reduced aeration in Biological Aerated Filter,” Presented at the 46th CAWQ Central Canadian Symposium for Water Quality Research.
- Uslu, M.O., Jasim, S., Biswas, N. (2011), “Pharmaceutical Substances in the Great Lakes Region: A Review,” Presented at the 61st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, October 23-26, London, ON, Canada.
- Saha, B., Biswas, N., Taylor, K.E., and Bewtra, J.K., (2010),” Removal of benzene from wastewater by soybean peroxidase-catalyzed oxidative polymerization following limited Fenton reaction,” 83rd Annual WEFTEC Exhibition and Conference, New Orleans, LS, October 2-6.
- Saha, B., Biswas, N., Bewtra, J.K., Taylor, K.E., (2010). “Removal of Phenol and benzenediols from water via Laccase-catalyzed oxidative Polymerization,” 11th International Environmental Specialty Conference, 2010 Canadian Society of Civil Engineering (CSCE) Annual General Meeting and Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, June 9-12.
- Sharma, M., Biswas, N. (2009), “Hydrogen production from anaerobic fermentation of glucose in linoleic acid (LA) incubated mixed cultures,” Presented at the Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 11-14.
- Li J., Drca P., Manzon, C., Horneck, H., McCorquodale, J.A., Biswas, N., (2009), “Development of Retention Treatment Basin with Polymer Flocculation for CSO Treatment,” 82nd Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 10-14.
- Sharma, M., Lalman, J., Biswas, N., (2007), “The Effect of Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA) on Sulfate Removal in an Acclimated Mixed Anaerobic Culture,” Presented at the 80th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Conference, San Diego, California, USA, October 13-17.
- Gowda, C., Seth, R., Biswas, N., (2007), “Beneficial Reuse of Precast Concrete Industry Sludge to Produce Alkaline Stabilized Biosolids,” Presented at the IWA Specialty Conference – Biosolids and Sustainability, Moncton, NB., Canada, June 24-27.
Professional Recognition, Contributions, Editorships, etc.:
- Fellow of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 2009.
- Awarded Albert E. Berry Medal, for outstanding contrib. to Env. Eng. in Canada, 2011.
- Invited speaker by the Chinese Academy of Env. Planning, Min. of Env. Protection, China, 2011.
- Invited speaker at the Canada-Mexico Workshop: Innovation in Water Sustainability Technologies, Chihuahua, Mexico, March 29-30, 2010.
- Invited Speaker – Bengal Engineering and Science University, India, 2009.
- Member of the Green Advisory Panel, MTCU, ON, as COU representative, 2010.
- Board member of the Automotive Research and Development Centre, Chrysler Canada, 2009.
- “Engineer of the Year” 2005, PEO Chapter of Windsor-Essex Region (in recognition of Technology Transfer and collaborative R & D projects with industries, municipalities, etc.).
- Member of the Task Force, WHO/PAHO in Curriculum Dev. in Environmental Health.
- Member of the CFI, Canada, Water/Waste water expert committee (#155).
- Member of the College of Reviewers for CRC, NSERC, Canada.
- Member of NSERC Grant Selection Committee 06: Civil Engineering (1995–1998).
- Member for several CEAB site visit teams as Vice Chair and Program Reviewer.
- Member of Advisory Panel on Water Quality for S. America, WHO/PAHO, Washington, D.C.
- Assoc. Editor, Practice Period. of Haz., Tox., and Rad. Waste Mgmt, ASCE (2002–2009).
- Assoc. Editor, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering (2003–present).
- Member, Editorial Board, Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada (1997-2008).
- Member of Advisory Panel on Water Quality for S. America, WHO/PAHO, Washington, D.C.
- Invited ‘technical expert’ on Industrial Wastewater Treatment, CSIR, India, (2004).
- Reviewer of Grant Proposals for the Hong Kong Research Council (1995-Present).
- Reviewer of Grant Proposal for the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
- University Professorship-Research and Teaching Excellence, U. of Windsor.
- Distinguished Teaching Award – U. of Windsor Alumni Assoc. and Faculty of Engineering.
Technology Transfer and Industry/NSERC Sponsored R & D Activities (10 Years):
Extensive research has been carried out to develop enzymatic treatment of waste water containing aromatic compounds with supports from NSERC/URIF/ICST(ESTAC). A pilot plant for a continuous enzymatic treatment system to treat waste water from Mexican refineries at the Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua and the Centro de Investigacion en Materilas Avanzados (members of CONACYT, Mexico) will start in May, 2011. Broad based application of this method in “near” reality for BTEX and substituted phenols and anilines since enzyme SBP is relatively cheap to produce and is very efficient for most of these substrates.