LASER unites the Engineering Faculty’s various disciplines of autonomous systems and energy research under one umbrella. LASER is comprised of the following University of Windsor labs:
Battery Management Systems Lab
- Testing facility for batteries and battery packs of all sizes: consumer electronics, EVs and renewable energy systems
- Prognostics and thermal management algorithms for battery cells and battery packs
- Real-time parameter estimation and system identification algorithms for Li-ion battery packs
Cyber-Physical Systems Lab
- Algorithms for big data analytics, anomaly detection, state & parameter estimation and supervisory control in complex, connected systems, and the internet of things
- Distributed information fusion in connected systems
Diagnostics and Control Lab
- Linear and nonlinear control systems; Large scale system and decentralized control; Estimation and observer design
- System monitoring; Fault diagnosis and prognosis; Intelligent control, fault diagnostics, and prognostics
With applications to:
- Automotive and transportation systems; Aerospace and autonomous systems; Power and renewable energy systems
Human-Machine Systems Lab
- Cognitive context detection using psychophysiological data especially eye-tracking measurements
- Algorithms for human-machine automation
Smart Grids Lab
Equipped with hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) and power hardware-in-the-loop (PHiL) testbeds for:
- Testing power electronic converters used to interface renewable energy sources (RES)
- Testing relays for reliable power system protection with RES
- Developing energy management systems for smart grids with RES and electric vehicles
- Designing and validating control algorithms to enhance power quality and voltage regulation of smart grids
Surveillance and Tracking Systems Lab
- Multi-sensor information fusion and multi-target tracking algorithms for radars, lidars, sonars, hyperspectral, infrared (IR) sensors, and ultrasonic sensors
- Navigation and control in autonomous vehicles
To get involved with the Laboratories for Autonomous Systems and Energy Research (LASER)