Laboratories for Autonomous Systems and Energy Research (LASER)

Laboratories for Autonomous Systems and Energy Research (LASER)

LASER unites the Engineering Faculty’s various disciplines of autonomous systems and energy research under one umbrella. LASER is comprised of the following University of Windsor labs: 

Battery Management Systems Lab 

  • Testing facility for batteries and battery packs of all sizes: consumer electronics, EVs and renewable energy systems
  • Prognostics and thermal management algorithms for battery cells and battery packs 
  • Real-time parameter estimation and system identification algorithms for Li-ion battery packs

Cyber-Physical Systems Lab 

  • Algorithms for big data analytics, anomaly detection, state & parameter estimation and supervisory control in complex, connected systems, and the internet of things
  • Distributed information fusion in connected systems

Diagnostics and Control Lab

  • Linear and nonlinear control systems; Large scale system and decentralized control; Estimation and observer design
  • System monitoring; Fault diagnosis and prognosis; Intelligent control, fault diagnostics, and prognostics

With applications to:

  • Automotive and transportation systems; Aerospace and autonomous systems; Power and renewable energy systems

Human-Machine Systems Lab 

  • Cognitive context detection using psychophysiological data especially eye-tracking measurements
  • Algorithms for human-machine automation 

Smart Grids Lab

Equipped with hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) and power hardware-in-the-loop (PHiL) testbeds for: 

  • Testing power electronic converters used to interface renewable energy sources (RES)
  • Testing relays for reliable power system protection with RES
  • Developing energy management systems for smart grids with RES and electric vehicles
  • Designing and validating control algorithms to enhance power quality and voltage regulation of smart grids

Surveillance and Tracking Systems Lab 

  • Multi-sensor information fusion and multi-target tracking algorithms for radars, lidars, sonars, hyperspectral, infrared (IR) sensors, and ultrasonic sensors 
  • Navigation and control in autonomous vehicles

To get involved with the Laboratories for Autonomous Systems and Energy Research (LASER)
