Canada Research Chairs in FAHSS

Dr. Charlene Senn holds a Tier 1Canada Research Chair in Sexual ViolenceCharlene Senn, PhD

Dr. Senn holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Sexual Violence and is a Professor in the Applied Social Psychology Graduate Program within the Department of Psychology. She is cross-appointed in Women’s and Gender Studies. In 2022, Senn was named Royal Society of Canada (RSC) Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences. Her research centres on male violence against women with a focus on sexual violence and campus interventions.
Over more than 10 years, Senn developed and evaluated a sexual assault resistance education program (EAAA) for first year University women.  The efficacy of this intervention was demonstrated in a CIHR-funded randomized controlled trial (2011-2015) in which the one-year incidence of completed rape was reduced by almost 50% in women who took the intervention compared to those in the control group. In another CIHR-funded study (2016-2021), her team recently confirmed the effectiveness of the EAAA program (now known as Flip the Script with EAAATM) when it is implemented by universities. Research and development continue with adaptations for younger girls, for trans students, and in French.
Flip the Script with EAAATM is available for use by universities and colleges through a Train-the-Trainer model and the SARE Centre non-profit on a cost-recovery basis. See for more detail.
Senn is also the co-founder of (and researcher for) the UWindsor Bystander Initiative which embeds bystander-focused sexual assault prevention and training into the academic curriculum.
In 2005, Senn founded the Health Research Centre for the Study of Violence against Women which brings together researchers across campus for interdisciplinary research collaborations and events.
She teaches courses in the psychology of women, male violence against women, and applied social psychology.
Dr. Charlene Senn's Websites:

Dr. Jennifer Willet is the Director of INCUBATOR Lab and a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Art, Science and Ecology Jennifer Willet, PhD

Dr. Jennifer Willet is the Director of INCUBATOR Lab and a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Art, Science and Ecology at the University of Windsor. She is also a member of the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada.
Willet is an internationally recognized artist and curator in the emerging field of BioArt. Her research resides at the intersection of art and science, and explores notions of representation, the body, ecologies, and interspecies interrelations in the biotechnological field.
She taught in Studio Arts at Concordia University (2000-2007) and at the Art and Genomics Centre at the University of Leiden (2008) in the Netherlands. In 2009 she opened the first biological art lab in Canada, called INCUBATOR: Hybrid Laboratory at the Intersection of Art, Science, and Ecology at the University of Windsor. In January 2018 INCUBATOR Lab launched a new custom-built BSL2 facility that is both a functional biotech laboratory and a multi-media theatre and exhibition venue. This internationally unique facility includes a glass wall opening to a large atrium, theatrical lighting, sound, and video capabilities, to enable live and online viewing of biotechnology/artworks and performances.
Dr. Jennifer Willet's Websites:
Updated: March 8, 2024