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Women and Gender Studies

Join WGST and Find Your Voice

Women and Gender Studies in the School of Social Work at University of Windsor offers a program that gives students an opportunity to critically engage with feminist scholarship. The Women and Gender Studies program offers courses discussing a range of topics, such as the history of the women’s movement, the analysis of pop culture through a feminist lens, and the study of different forms of oppression. Students are given the chance to explore the intersectionality and diversity of identity, such as race, class, sexuality, class, age, and ability. WGST provides tools for students to develop critical awareness and connect their learning to social structures and human experience.

Course Schedules

Course offerings for Fall 2024:

  • WGST-1000: Women in Canadian Society
  • WGST-2100: Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice
  • WGST-2200: Women, Race, and Social Justice
  • WGST-2510: History of Women's Movements in North America
  • WGST-3060: Frameworks for Feminist Research
  • WGST-3100: Women and the Law
  • WGST-3300: Victims, Survivors, & Warriors: Violence in the Lives of Women & Girls
  • WGST-3470: Social Work & Violence
  • WGST-3500: Practical Strategies for Social Change: Intervening to Prevent Sexual Violence (Bystander
  • WGST-4500: Practicum in Social Change (Bystander)

*Please note that all schedules are subject to change. You can view complete and tentative University timetables at /registrar/timetable-information.

Contact us at

Phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 2315
Fax: 519-561-1403