Welcome to Community Legal Aid


Legal Assistance of Windsor (LAW) and Community Legal Aid (CLA) have moved to our new co-located space at 443 Ouellette Avenue, 2nd Floor, N9A 4J2. The phone numbers for both clinics remain unchanged.

Affidavits and notarial copies are by appointment only at the clinic located at 443 Ouellette Avenue, 2nd Floor. Please call 519.253.7150 for an appointment.

Please visit our website at http://communitylegalaidwindsor.com


Community Legal Aid works with our client communities, in all their diversity, to:

  • Build and mobilize an ever-increasing community movement for social change,
  • Create social and economic conditions to eradicate poverty and oppression.
  • Restore and revitalize the quality of life and enhance the self-reliance of citizens of the City of Windsor and County of Essex.
  • Educate students to build skills, values and knowledge to ethically and competently represent and work with individuals and communities.

Community Legal Aid (CLA) offers legal services to low income and vulnerable people to avoid, prepare for and overcome poverty law problems, achieved through a combination of community development and action. CLA provides competent and professional legal services including summary legal advice, full legal representation, and community legal education.

Interested in applying for a volunteer position at Community Legal Aid? Visit the CLA website.

Our Funders:

  • Legal Aid Ontario
  • The Law Foundation of Ontario
  • The University of Windsor
  • Windsor Law 

We are grateful for the support of: