What is Scholarship at UWindsor?
The University of Windsor offers all faculty access to our digital repository, Scholarship at UWindsor. It “provides open access to the University’s Scholarly and Creative works.” Open access means that material hosted here is available to anyone with access to the internet. The repository serves as a central hub to host published and unpublished works that you choose to share.
Why should you consider submitting your research to Scholarship at UWindsor?
There are a number of advantages to choosing to host your material on our institutional repository: It allows your research and writing to reach a broad audience, not limited to those who have access to subscription-based journals. As well, research has found that the views and downloads from institutional repositories tend to be additional to, not instead of SSRN views/hits. See Will an Institutional Repository Hurt My SSRN Ranking?: Calming the Faculty Fear.
Scholarship@UWindsor will not replace our current publication of research and writing on the Faculty of Law “Publications” web page: Visitors will see the Publications and individual item pages unchanged, however each item’s page will link to the Repository. This will also allow you to expand your audience by tagging your work in Digital Commons and also allows you to track how many times your article is downloaded.
As well, if your research has been funded by any of the the Tri-Agencies (SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC), there is a requirement to provide open access to your work. See the Tri-Agency policy on Open Access.
Who can submit research?
You can, either on your own, or with the Library’s help!
There are three different levels of mediation for submissions, and you can pick whichever works for you. You aren’t committed to one method, so if you start with one level, and it’s not working for you, you can choose to get more or less help at any point.
It’s very important that we ensure the correct version of your research is available on Scholarship@UWindsor, whether it is uploaded by you or by the library. Sherpa/RoMEO is a tool we use to more easily determine what each publisher’s policies are. However, many legal journals are not included in this database. Please contact us so that we can directly contact the publisher to ensure that the correct version is uploaded. Generally speaking, most journals permit either the pre-print or the post-print version (see an explanation of what these terms mean at Sherpa/RoMEO).
- Library-mediated (full): Let us know that you have had an article accepted for publication. We will send you a brief survey to gather key information, and then let you know what version (see below) we can host on Scholarship at UWindsor. Once we receive the correct version, and the submission is ready, you will receive an email. If everything is to your liking, the submission goes live!
- Library-mediated (partial): Follow the instructions at Scholarship at UWindsor Guides and submit your publication, ensuring that you have uploaded the correct version. We will then add metadata, including applicable keywords, the abstract, full citation information etc. Once everything is added, you will receive an email. Once you approve of the information we have added, the submission will go live.
- Author-led: Follow the instructions at Scholarship at UWindsor Guides and submit your publication, ensuring that you have uploaded the correct version, as well as the complete abstract, citation, and keyword information. We will check the submission and accompanying information, and push it live upon approval.
Whenever you have new research accepted for publication, we can work with you to get it hosted. As well, we can help you go through your past publications, ensure we have the correct version of each publication, and upload a partial or complete back catalogue of your research. Scholarship at UWindsor isn’t limited to published work… You can also use it to host unpublished research.