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1) Do I need to register with ExamSoft for each semester?  

You will register once with ExamSoft in the Fall semester for the complete academic year (September 1 to August 31). If you did not register during the Fall semester but wish to for only the winter semester, you may register with ExamSoft until February for the winter semester only.

2) What if I experience computer problems during the exam?

Students who have computer issues during an exam should immediately begin handwriting in the paper answer booklets available from the invigilator in your exam room. 

3) Is there an opportunity to practice writing an exam with SofTest?

A mock exam is available to those students that have registered with ExamSoft.  Upon registration, you will be prompted to download the mock exam.

4) What can I expect the day of the exam?

SofTest is an exam software that blocks access to all other applications while it is running.  Students will download their exam file prior to the exam date on the laptop that they intend to use for the exam.   Exams will start on time.  All students will receive a hard copy of the exam questions.  The invigilator will give a password to students to gain entrance into their virtual answer booklet. The document in the exam file is blank and will not contain the exam questions.  Students will type into the virtual answer booklet as you would type into any standard word processor.  If a student experiences computer problems during the exam they will immediately change to handwriting.

5) Will there be a spell-check option?

The use of SofTest's spell-check function will be determined by the course instructor.

6) I do not have a laptop.  Can I use SofTest to write my exams?

Students are expected to use their own laptop and download the exam prior to the exam download deadline.  In extraordinary circumstances the student may be able to use a loaner computer from Windsor Law.  Students may wish to explore laptop rental options elsewhere.

7) Can I change my decision and handwrite the exam on the day of the exam?

Students who have opted to use the ExamSoft computerized exam process but decide on exam day to write their exam by hand instead will be allowed to do so.

8) Can I use SofTest for some of my exams and handwrite others?

You may opt to use SofTest for some of your exams and handwrite others.  Paper answer booklets will always be available.

10) I am provided with accommodations as I am registered with the University's Student Disability Services department.  May I use my own computer?

Yes, you may use your own computer and ExamSoft for computerized exams at Student Disability Services.    

11) The current fee is $50.00. What does that cover?

The non-refundable fee covers the ExamSoft license and the associated administrative costs for the period September 1 to August 31 for all exams during that period.

12) Will students who type and students who hand-write be in the same room during exams?

Students who type and students who hand-write will be in the same room.  Individually packaged ear plugs will be available in the General Office for your convenience and you are welcome to bring your own.

13) What are the system requirements for Mac and PC?

Mac Requirements  
PC Requirements

14) Can I download SofTest on more than one computer/laptop?

You register with ExamSoft once but, you can download SofTest on more than one computer/laptop.  An exam file can only be downloaded once so, please download it on the computer that you will be using on the day of that exam. 

15) I am having problems with my ExamSoft account.  Who do I contact for assistance?

Please contact the Support department at ExamSoft at and scroll down to "Support".

16) What browser can I use for SofTest?

To ensure uninterrupted usage of ExamSoft, students must use a browser that uses TLS 1.1 or higher encryption when connecting to the ExamSoft Portal

Google Chrome Version 22 or Higher

Mozilla Firefox Version 27 or Higher.

17) Will I be able to use the keyboard function keys during the exam?

Yes, you will be able to use your function keys, i.e. Control, Command, Option, etc. or you may use the buttons on the bar located in your virtual answer booklet.  These will be available for those functions allowed by the Faculty of Law.

18) May a test taker use an external mouse?

On the exam day you should bring the laptop that your exams are downloaded onto, a fully charged battery, and an electrical extension cord.  If you use an external mouse and full-size keyboard, you may bring those as well.

19) What is the "institution ID"?

The institution ID is "windsorlaw".