Sunday, March 25, 2018 - 14:30
Sunday, March 25, 2:30 pm
Spring Choir Concert
UWindsor Chamber Choir and University Singers,
Dr. Bruce Kotowich, director
Heritage Auditorium, Assumption Hall, 400 Huron Church Rd.
Dr. Bruce J. G. Kotowich, director of choirs
Pia Lampitoc, Niklas Pizzolitto, Cody Weldon assistant conductors
Jael Hernandez, soprano
Vivian Alcantara Romero, soprano
Cody Weldon, tenor
Aaron Beaudette, baritone
Alde Calongcagong, collaborative artist
Jacob Flynn, choral assistant

Pia Lampitoc, Niklas Pizzolitto, Cody Weldon assistant conductors
Jael Hernandez, soprano
Vivian Alcantara Romero, soprano
Cody Weldon, tenor
Aaron Beaudette, baritone
Alde Calongcagong, collaborative artist
Jacob Flynn, choral assistant
SoCA is proud to share with the Windsor Essex Community our annual spring choral extravaganza. This year's concert feaatures many works by living composers including Eric Whitacre and Ola Gjeilo!
Tickets: Adults/Seniors $15; Students (with ID) $5
At the door: The ticket table will be open at the venue one hour prior to the start of this concert for cash purchases.
For information about SoCA concerts, please call (519) 253-3000 ext. 4213.
Cantate Domino Vytautas Miškinis (b.1954)
My Love Dwelt In A Northern Land, Op. 18, No. 3 Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
Ella Sunlight, Eulogies John Estacio (b.1966)
Cody Weldon, conductor
TBA, soprano
Alleluia Eric Whitacre (b.1970)
Niklas Pizzolitto, conductor
Vivian Alcantara Romero, soprano
Aaron Beaudette, baritone
UWindsor Chamber Choir
Dr. Bruce J.G. Kotowich, director of choirs
Alde Calongcagong, collaborative artist
Jacob Flynn, choral assistant
The Heavens Are Telling, The Creation Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
Vivian Alcantara Romero , soprano
Cody Weldon, tenor
Aaron Beaudette, baritone
Only In Sleep Ēriks Ešenvalds (b. 1977)
Jael Hernandez, soprano
Alma De Mi Alma Z. Randall Stroope (b. 1953)
Pia Lampitoc, conductor
UWindsor University Singers
Dr. Bruce J.G. Kotowich, director of choirs
Alde Calongcagong, collaborative artist
Jacob Flynn, choral assistant
Sunrise Mass Ola Gjeilo (b. 1978)
The Spheres
The City
Identity and the Ground
We Are Stars Kenley Krisofferson (b. 1986)
UWindsor Combined Choirs
UWindsor Chamber Choir
Vivian Alcantra
Nicole Anderson
Celina Bechard
Tulin Fadel
Jael Hernandez
Gabrielle Johnstone
Madison Toulouse
Mary-Valene Daniel
Lilly Korkontzelos
Pia Lampitoc
Andrea Obeid
Bethany Russel
Alanah Shields
Bonnie Trealout
Leah Wilkinson
Jefferson Hills
Quinn McCarthy
Martin Shultz
Dominik Tijardovic
Cody Weldon
Max Arvidsson
Aaron Beaudette
Jake Flynn
Parker Manson
Niklas Pizzolitto
University Singers
Vivian Alcantra
Mikaela Cabral
Lydia Deelstra
Bernanda Docter
Madeline Doormaert
Elora Durocher
Tulin Fadel
Angailika Guenther
Jael Hernandez
Noor Jajo
Gabrielle Johnstone
Lucy Kavanagh
Wenxian Lyu
Kaitlin Montgomery
Savanna Muscat
Amy Blok
Grayson Court
Natalie Culmone
Mary-Valene Daniel
Kylie Hartman
Lilly Korkontzelos
Pia Lampitoc
Sophia Lu
Megan McGill
Andrea Obeid
Bethany Russel
Alanah Shields
Olivia Ridpath
Elexus Robertson
Alexa Wade
Mariana Zec
James Horastron
Jeff McAuley
Quinn McCarthy
Dane Roberts
Kurt Stenger
Cody Weldon
Luis Cisneros
Logan Adlam
Aaron Beaudette
Colin Cooper
Mitchell Corrent
Greg Duff
Jake Flynn
Aaron Gasparini
Zhining Hu
Konrad Jarecki
David Katich
Francois Lepage
Yui Liang
Sam Poole
Allesandro Rotondi
Stuart Stevens
Daniel Turner
Matthew Vojvodin
Dr. Bruce Kotowich