Alumni Reunion Weekend

Music students marching to "welcome convocation" during welcome weekMusic students marching to "welcome convocation" during welcome week
Repeats every day until Sun Apr 08 2018 .
Friday, April 6, 2018
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Sunday, April 8, 2018

The main (north) foyer of the Armouries. School of Creative Arts

Alumni Reunion Weekend, April 6 - 8, 2018

Special Guest: Dr. Gillian MacKay



Friday, April 6th
Interior hall in the Freedom Way building8:00 pm – Jazz Ensemble Concert and Cabare
                 Waters Edge Event Centre2879 Riverside Drive East
                  Special guest – High School Honours Jazz Ensemble
        ** All alumni are welcome to come and to sit in with the Jazz Ensemble on the dance sets.
Saturday, April 7th
10:00 am – Conducting workshop with Dr. Gillian MacKay, Armouries Room B22

Imagination and Gesture: Conducting with Clear Intention.  This informal and interactive session will focus on the development of gestural conducting language.  Gillian will draw on her study of mime and the Michael Chekhov acting technique, presenting ideas to help encourage physical expressivity and a nuanced gestural range.  What better way to spend a Saturday morning?  Conductors (and non-conductors) at all levels are welcome!    

 2:00 pm – Wind Ensemble dress rehearsal (Capitol Theatre)
         ** Alumni invited to participate in the Wind Ensemble concert with guest conductor, Dr. MacKay
3:00 pm --  Alumni Tour of the new buildings -- meet in the fron lobby of the Armouries off University Avenue.
5:00 pm – Alumni dinner 
(Mazaar Lebanese Cuisine, 372 Ouellette Avenue)
                  RSVP to by Monday, April 2, 2018
7:30 pm – Alumni Recital, Armouries, Performance Hall, 37 University Ave.E.

Alumni Recital includes a brass group, an alumni choir, a percussion group, Melissa Goodchild and a percussionist doing a piece by Shelley Marwood; and Hubert Brard playing an oboe solo.

       ** All alumni encouraged to come and see your colleagues and friends
                  Reception to follow

Impromptu performance/presentation space in the Armouries
Sunday, April 8th
2:30 pm – Wind Ensemble Concert, Capitol Theatre, 121 University Ave. W.
         ** Alumni invited to perform one piece with Dr. Gillian MacKay conducting
             Post-concert afterglow at Downtown Pizza Company


To RSVP or if you have questions, please contact Corey Fitzpatrick at


Dr. Gillian Mackay taught trumpet and conducting at the School of Music for many years and was its Director in 2004-2005 before moving to the University of TorontoGILLIAN MACKAY

Gillian MacKay is Professor of Music of the University of Toronto, where she conducts the Wind Ensemble and teaches conducting. Gillian has an active professional career as a conductor, adjudicator, clinician and trumpeter. She has conducted honour ensembles throughout Canada and the United States, and is Associate Conductor of the Denis Wick Canadian Wind Orchestra. Dr. MacKay has adjudicated Canadian band festivals at local, provincial, and national levels in Canada. She has conducted honour bands and judged competitions in the US, Singapore, Thailand, and Korea.

Dr. MacKay enjoys presenting clinics and workshops at provincial and state conferences in Canada and the United States, and is known for her work on the relationship between conducting and mime. Currently, she is investigating the application of the Michael Chekhov acting technique to movement and meaning in conducting. Recognized as a conducting pedagogue, Gillian leads the University of Toronto Wind Conducting Symposium each July, and has been the guest instructor at other symposia in Canada and the United States.

Gillian holds degrees and diplomas from the University of Lethbridge, McGill University, the University of Calgary, and Northwestern University.


Corey Fitzpatrick