
BIOC-2010 Organic Chemistry of Biomolecules:

Biomolecules constitute a broad and diverse range of chemical species. In general, however, based upon their chemical components and resulting properties they can usually be classified into one of four main groups: (i) proteins; (ii) carbohydrates; (iii) nucleic acids; and (iv) lipids. In this course, the chemistry and properties of each of these fundamental biomolecular groups will be considered and compared. In addition, other biochemically important phenomena (e.g. chirality, solvation and catalysis) as well as common experimental methods currently used in the study of biomolecules (e.g. chromatography) will be covered and discussed. (3 lecture, 3 laboratory hours a week.)

BIOC-3310 Pharmacology for Health Sciences

A lecture course of particular interest to students in the health sciences areas. The course material includes the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and is aimed at developing an understanding of the function of the human body with respect to the use and effects of drugs in health and disease. (Prerequisites: One of BIOC-2010) (3 lecture hours a week.)

BIOC-4050 Drug Design

Lectures cover various aspects of drug discoveries and designs. Beginning with basic knowledge in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, students should learn how lead is discovered and how the lead is modified to yield potent therapeutic agents. Several techniques in the area of molecular biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry and computational biology will be discussed and presented. (Prerequisite: BIOC-3310.) (3 lecture hours per week.)

BIOC-8640 Advanced DNA Science

An advanced lecture and seminar course dealing with DNA science. The lectures cover the biochemistry of DNA and RNA at the molecular levels, the current research topics and their implications for the future research. The course also contains a seminar component in which a number of selected topics will be discussed and presented by and among participants. (Prerequisites: consent of instructor.) (2 lecture hours a week.)